don't associate with me

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -ShyCutie-, May 29, 2015.

  1. hello this mainly goes out to vulture and lord sora who go out of their way to hate on me well lord sora what your saying is smart but I am telling you its not true and vulture just don't associate with me dom't join clans I am in don't mention my name don't follow me the solution to lord sora is I won't set up rosters anymore and vulture just don't talk to me or even look at my profile I want nothing to do with you and lord sora I apologise for anything rude I said to you but I have never set up fake rosters. good bye and goodluck.
  2. Yay, another one!
  3. Stop making threads please
  4. You doing war 17? 
  5. this is the final one
  6. each time you post something i need to take a really long breath before i read.

  7. Lmao so true
  8. Hello this goes to the op of this thread, no one cares. Thank you, 
  9. Lol you said you quit now your making fake rosters again oh gosh...
  10. MyNameIsYour2ndName?
  11. Most probably is
  12. k
  13. He used a alt to swear at me on my wall 
  14. Awww no more noob clans warring 
  15. I remember mynameisyour2ndname
  16. That's you..
  17. Op you scream for attention more than my 8 month old baby does.
  18. Op, sometimes its better to just let things die instead of repeatly bringing it back to the attention of the entire community.