does scouting count for the five hits, cause when you scout you arent taking any gold, just taking away some spies. should it count??
i mean i usually scout then hit 3 times so there is no misunderstanding, but i need more gold lately so..
You can scout and hit 5 times and yes you could hit more but then most clans would farm the out of you lol so dont listen to that guy
So, my questions is... Does. It seems to me that if I hit u 4 times, and you hit me back 4 times... I should be able to hit you back, and you hit me back , until one of us gives up... No more than 5 times per retaliation.... Without it being considered farming... Anyone have any feedback on that???
Since when there is a farming rule... I wonder where you get your crops guys but this is not farmville where you build a farm and collect.
Ok listen up there is no "5x hit rule" but for some reason silly noobs get angry if they get hit over 5
Heh. I once got this one dude get mad over 1 hit. He sent like 4 people after me... N I stomped them all.
well, you cant attack the same person more than five times, right? otherwise people get mad. so if you scout 6 times and fail each time so the person saw who scouted, would that be farming??
it's just a community rule. but i know how the both side think the NO side: scount isn't an aggressive act because both parties lose very few spies and it doesn't take gold. the defender use just little time to recover. the yes side: on the other hand. 1. not in war, scouting is an aggressive act. one can feel nervous from it. scouting means "someone is planning to attack me". 2. In war, scouting can be used to wipe almost the whole spies torrps from an enemy, effectively pinning the spy build. so yes, scouting is an aggressive act.
1 scout is not aggressive (unless u have no clue how the game works). Hitting for 5 after a scout to confirm the target is achievable is no worse than hitting for 5 w/o the scout. Don't be surprised if tgey return fire. Hit more than 5 and the return fire will likely be much worse. Your choice.
I used to scout once and then attack 5 times - but I got tired of replying to untold requests of "your farming me!". Now I scout once and attack 4 and the n00b comments of "you're farming me" have all but gone. So right or wrong I count it as one aggression to cut down on the "cry baby" comments.