Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kyle2006, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Devs, you did a great job!!! You drop the matching hit ratio to screwed those clans that still using
    middles in wars.

    Those poor clans believe that u won't change anything as you promised. They are using middles in war. They trying to fix the no match up problems by themself when u devs out of control the ewars. And suddenly u stupid devs drops the matching hit ratio to screw them once again.

    Do u think u already fix the no matchh up problem, Devs? Of course you are not, you are killing all
    middle buildings who only will balance your stupid hit ratio. So every clan will just kick all middles from their roster or all middles have to tear down to be a small. Then, all no match coming again!!!!

    How can u taking so long and still can't fix the no match up problem?
    Just find out which clans are hurting your matching system, pin them!!!! not screwed those clans working so hard to try to help your matching system. You devs did things totally wrong.

    Maybe devs you really don't know how to fix this problem, just give u my suggession:

    Everyone knows devs set the hit ratio not by actually building size, is by tier:
    thats say LB100 is tier 1
    LB100+ and bigs is tier 2
    middles and super sh is tier 3
    regular sh is tier 4
    small sh is tier 5
    tiny size below 500K i guess is tier 6,7,8... (they supposed not belongs in wars)
    so T1 can hit T2,3; T2 can hit 4,5. thats devs hit ratio setting and counting to do the match up.

    Devs, you only need to do a few changes:
    when u do the match up. count the successful hit ratio as
    T1 vs T1; T2 vs T2; T3 vs T3...
    T1 vs T2,3 means 0 hit ratio.
    so those clans LB + small will just match up the other clan use LB + small
    those clans using big + middle + small will match up the other clan using big + middle + small

    this will give most clans a fairly, closely war. let middles back to wars. they will let your wars last longer. Devs!!! Listen to ppls and do a good job.
  2. This goes to show you can't please 100%. No match = complaints. Match = complaints. I would rather war and have a shot at winning than bang away on TVP all the time
  3. what about giving the underdog clan more rancor?

    if a weaker and less prestige clan wins against one of the top warring clans like RH, kreuz, etc, give them rancor base on difficulty?

    id rather have a shot at a stronger clan, and earn more if win. higher risks - higher rewards
  4. OP....

    Do you know why they keep changing the match system?

    Because there is no solution to it. It's a variable you cannot calculate. Each player possesses a varying amount to their attack/defense/spy att/spy def....

    Put that with the interchangeable war teams, and you end up with what we have now.


    It's brilliant. And infuriating at the same time. If you lack the knowledge to make your war team with the right members, you end up in a 1-2 hour slaughterhouse.

    Don't like that? Don't war. Going to war requires planning. Do so at will.
  5. Just don't EE. They're not gonna fix it. Just end up giving the ones exploiting even stronger equipment
  6. Sucks but what're you to do? Get with the program or not
  7. Don't you realize op, that there IS a thread for this?why don't you post it THERE rather than make ANOTHER useless THREAD about something the DEVS have already MADE a thread FOR!

  8. Are u sure they are smart leaders those clans using lb + small. i can see them crying everyday on forum they got 70%+ no match up when they using that OVERPOWERS ROSTER week1 to week5.
    Do u think they can get lv50 if devs doens't drop the matching hit ratio to help them since week6 ?
    Is it a fair thing to the other clans that devs suddenly change rules?

    BTW, a smart leader wont kick their middle clannies, wont let their clannies tear down their building that might spend them half year to built up just for wars.
  9. No Support, te devs have crated over 7 other apps now they need time to
    Update them, fix bugs, ect. Let them be they will tell us when they do it
  10. EE warriors are the biggest whiners on this game. Yes they have surpassed the EB fairies as the lowest item on the KaW menu
  11. Can someone translate the change to English?
    Keen to know what the devs have altered, if anything. Sounds interesting.
  12. This and most of these threads are the reason EE is so ****** up shut the **** up already whining bitches