Does anyone here miss the clan 911 an all its old members?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Aces, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I miss us all but we seem too scattered...i wanna know who remembers us and who tey miss the most
  2. Why is it in strategy?
  3. Seems vaguely familiar...
  4. The police have that phone number...i think or is it 922? I forget 
  5. 911 was a old now inactive clan that used to be on lb. They were extremely active but they lost some tactics in wars.
  6. I guess we werent as well liked as i thought 
  7. Later on the whole clan went inactive.
  8. Ya the surviving members are split up all over at different clans now 
  9. We didnt deserve such a fate...but seeing as no one knows us i guess no one cares 
  10. I feel for u..... Eeven if i have absolutly NO idea what on earth u r talking about...
  11. You guys were a very cool bunch of people 