Does ally plunder bonus affect Assassination EB plunder?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CobaltSpears, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. If I hit EBs with Assassination only, no normal troop Attack, I only get plunder once the EB ends. In this case, does having allies at MP still affect the plunder I get at the end of the EB?

  2. Yes it does and also for future questions like this you can post to dilly's thread or wc.

    Having MP raises plunder with both attacks assassinations ect in eb only though. In pvp spy's do not need MP.

    Question answered /lock or /eagled
  3. allies only affect attack plunder, scouts, assassinations, steals are not affected.
  4. No, allies only give you bfa in this situation. They do not contribute towards your final plunder at the end of an eb. This is why pure spies can still make a lot off Ebs without allies.
  5. i've never seen ps making a huge plunder in an eb o.o
  6. Uh oh, conflicting answers
  7. Jesus rose down to save you
  8. Thats cuz Ps isn't build for someone to blindly hit ebs. It's war build that why I built it. If I wanted to play this game for no reason, I would have massive attack and no towers.
  9. Thanks, I sort of suspected the ally plunder bonus didn't affect Assass EB plunder.

    I do only Spies in EB because I am almost pure spy. Almost. I have troops, but they are weak and I only use them to farm nobs for my main and clan.

    I asked about it because although I was only 1/8th the size of my main, and had no allies, my EB plunder (looking through history) is consistently around 1/3 to 1/4 of my main (who attacks and assass, and is always at MP), far higher than I would expect. So it made me suspect that Assass does not care about Ally Plunder Bonus / MP.

    Thanks for those who commented. :)
  10. I unload troops and skim spies. So once you have enough bfe you can hit ebs np with a lvl 1 stable
  11. Does spy skimming also affect plunder? I know skimming troops/soldiers gets more plunder compared to unloading all the time, but I always thought it didn't matter for Assass plunder.

    I always just unload Assass. Should I also skim Assass for more plunder?
  12. idk I usually skim just to keep spies open just in case pvp I usually get the same amount of hits anyways
  13. Ah, roger that. Thanks.
  14. Isn't eb pay out the direct result of how much damage you have done to eb if so then skimming anything be it spy's or troops your end result may be higher than that if you just unload every hr

    But ain't nobody got time for that
  15. So dumb people throwing out "eagled". He isn't the only mod that locks threads and sorry but your information is only an opinion. Keep this in mind before you get ahead of yourself answering questions in forums.
  16. Yes. Especially if you are a spy build.
  17. not at all skimming allows for higher plunder discluding ally bonus so the more time you hit on full regen the plunder but some people just unload to get on with rl or something else in game.
  18. Spy skimming does give you better plunder. Usually skim 3 assassination actions per regen or one steal for maximum output.

    And @ OP, you don't need max plunder for spy based actions.
  19. It comes out to the same amount of hits per eb per hr so tech your not making more plunder skimming every five mins 2 att and 3 assin
  20. skimming does increase pay-out. Compare assas to attacking without allies. The lower the bar the less gold. Damage done has no effect to plunder but bigger stats = more plunder since higher upgraded buildings give more plunder.