Inspired by pipe's thread about PIMD I will document my smash adventures, Yesterday morning: The first thing I notice, no speakers, Noobs everywhere, try to post a second time within 1minute and I was barred because I didn't reach level 4, I felt like a noob, mainly because I am a noob, Second thing I noticed: crashes, the game crashes all the time for no reason Anyway I decided my name would be Kaw_Adm1n Only 2 hours in and the apes decided that this name is not appropriate and changed it to "agent*insert stupid number here*" (im guessing kaws version of " player359527662758") I decided I won't let these apes make my choices for me and used some monster juice to make my name "kaw_creat1ve". The apes still haven't caught on. >Posts in wc >noob asks me what kaw is >I say "A professional football team" >he believes me >my sides (yes this is greentext, deal with it) Game still crashing Level 4 now, I can hit other players and spam wc This game obviously wasn't meant to be pvp based I've been attacked 20 times in 12 hours, more Inc than the noobs here give me atleast. More failed attacks against me, im guessing from crashes because that's my problem.
My smash adventures where halted yesterday when I failed to download the game correctly. I was met with an immediate error. It told me that my error was "Insufficient Storage". I was very disappointed when tech support was unable to fix my issue. 5/7 perfect score.
It's a fun game. Daily events / multiple events at a time. Got a few exploits that KaW did have in its early days, 2010 ish. You can reset unlimited times a day, to get the best roll at a first monster.
The gold I'm pulling. I'm not even level 10 and I have atleast 500K gold handy, all my buildings are at max level. It's ridiculous how easy it is to attain $$$$$$
You should explain how I can access these exploits so I can "look at them and tell the devs so they can fix it" Because im such a good player :geek: