Do your allies have good stats for their price?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by UnsealedExpert, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. This Is Important if you want to buy allies. You may not care about that stats,rather just the plunder bonus but if they are overpriced then nobody will buy them. Here is what I think what peoples stats should be for their price. Note the lower set is for pure spies. 2m to 4m Att + def combined 2000-3000 4m to 15m Att + def combined 3000-5000 15m to 30m Att+def combined 5000-7500. 30m to 60m Att+def combined 7500-11000 60m-100m Att+def combined 11000-15000 100m-200m Att+def combined 15000-27500. 200m-300m Att+def combined 27500-35000. 300m-500m Att+def combined 35000-60000. 500m-750m Att+def combined 60000-80000. 750m-900m Att+def combined 80000-100000. . That's about as high as I've bought an ally and if their stats are higher then the second stat total then BUY THEM! It may seem hard to find allies with these stats but it will be worth it when you need them sold. Okay I'm done now so be happy. I'm just going to do pure spy one later this week lol probably not tho By UnsealedExpert
  2. Dont hate this is my first thread
    i just wanna help people 
  3. Nice attempt. Lower price to stats are fine. 900m-1b you should find players with 200k stats. Not too hard.

    Just my opinion, not hatin on you or anything.
  4. Yea that's not bad at all, was going to do one myself bur don't need to now . Good job! But most like you said don't care about stats just plunder!
  5. These look like 2 month old prices. Yes you can find some players with these prices and stats but the price/stat metric is going up by 10% every week. Good luck holding on your allies 
  6. I constantly find allies for much better stats than the ones you posted in the 100M+ range... once it's over 1.5B that's when the real fight begins..
  7. Depends on how far into the pages u dig and r they active most u lose some do stick plunder is great for gold but for quests useless stats keep u from becoming roadkill pay for ur type of game
  8. Hmm good layout but too lazy to read
  9. Ninja you forum now? Or is this a rare ocassion lol