Do PvP players consider EE wars a PvP event?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by War-Kage, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. When speaking of events created specifically for PvP players, KaW_Community stated "In the past, this led to the creation of Round, All Star, and Rancor Wars for PvP players . . . . " I'm just curious, how many of the PvP community consider EE wars as a PvP event? Why or why not?

    Generally speaking, it seems to me that I see very few of the people clamoring for more PvP events in EE wars (I know there are some who participate in EE, but in my observation it seems to be a small minority).

    So, all you hard core PvP'rs, do you participate in EE wars--an event which was specially created for the PvP community?


  2. They don't, they call us EE princesses
  3. :lol:

    Way I see PvP is this; there's the system variant which includes ee wars, system wars etc.

    And then there's off system PvP which is just people hitting each other out with the restrictions that come with ee.

    When most ask for more PvP based stuff they mostly mean the second option I listed there from what I've seen.
  4. Its a system pvp event, many pvp'ers participate in them for better advantage bfe wise
  5. I'm rostering war 11 wall me if u want in
  6. Any scenario where you hit other players is technically a player versus player event. Non-pvp scenarios are Epic Battles and Quests.

    Most players now view PvP to mean everything from farming, 1v1, Battle List, and this current event.

    Clan Events would be EE wars, system wars, and Indy Wars (even though you don't get to choose your clan mates it's still a clan versus a clan only).

    The Devs listen to the community (in spite of what others may say) and will always continue to find ways of engaging the community as a whole. I think this current pvp event is BRILLIANT and I hope to see more of them soon. I bet they will make it bigger and do it between EE seasons each time. Just my guess.
  7. Neither of these discuss whats in op nice try though.
    I consider EE war a pvp event. But to be a true warrior I think you have to be an osw person. It takes more skill than it does to be in EE.
  8. Osw and farming is PvP in its purest form.
    Battle list hits kinda count, but there's still 5 hit rule.

    Any structured event I.e. EE wars and system wars where you can only hit certain players for a specified time limit is technically PvP, but I'm gonna have to say no, it's piss weak and doesn't count to me 
  9. PVP is "player VS player" so yes, EE is technally PvP.

    However, EE, is PvP with a lattice work and a structure. Most people distinguish this from raw PvP, which is an OSW, farming, or 1 VS 1.
  10. Many people do not participate in EE or other system wars, due to stacking, xstal requirements (pay to war), or the problems with inactives causing loss during a paid war. With more off system pvp events or battle list rewards, people will return to the battle list.

    If there was a way to allow random drops of aqua/inferno/scrolls through battle list, many players wouldn't have a reason to sit and be EB fairies.
  11. What's that?!
  12. Yes, EE is technically PvP - "Player vs. Player" However, many people, such as myself wouldn't view it as PvP because you get rewards.

    I consider PvP to be an un-rewarded show of strength, so OSW, 1v1's, "Farming", is what I consider PvP, because the only reward you get is battle stains and tears.

  13. No because PvP ... OSW.. Is caused by player conflict. EE is a controlled environment where you basically don't lose anything.
  14. Pvp is different that ee to me.

    While true, an we are teams of players vs other players, kaw style pvp is a very different ballgame.
  15. Its straight up pvp.
    Not one u can casually do tho which is basically the premise of app video games right?
    Casual pvp is what is in demand. Pvpers dont want to be 'herded' in a specific organized branch of the game that is basically held for an hr at a time. Such is the demand of the average player who desires casual interaction in more than just socializing.
  16. You lose an hour of your life, a couple of bucks (real cash) and the shot at mithril and, if its a season, prizes, so, to say EE comes with no loss isn't quite accurate.

    Not dissing one on one or OSW. Just saying that EE has skin in the game too. (Unless were talking about Indi wars)
  17. The "5 hit rule" is only a gentleman' agreement ... players can hit more or less as they choose ... but as is in life and in game, every choice has a consequence/response from others 
  18. To me ee is a safe way if waring, there isn't any real loss, you get almost all the mith back you spent the pots you burn during the ee is easily regained in a typical haunting. Also you only lose one level of edge. As I said it's a safe pvp with hardly anything to lose.
  19. Ee is not PVp. PVp is player arranged. Player started. And finished only when players decide.