Do guilds still make more plunder than sos?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iRage_, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Do guilds still make more than sos after nerf[\size]
    I was wondering because I was planning on making a osw/plunder Hansel and I don't really know much about the nerf and all. Someone told Guilds still make more but heard different in forums[\color]
    my first BBC code thread hope I did good and thank you in advance for helping me
  2. Sos level one is the way to go, they make more than a nerfed gh
  3. No guilds do not make more than sos and this belongs in the question thread not here. If you have build questions go there
  4. Don't make useless threads please
  5. Reach if that was at me i was just giving op advice. I don't support sos1 lol or else I'd have become one myself
  6. how does this work :twisted:
  7. There is also a bb code thread 
  8. [quote="OP]
    ]size:eek:nezillion[ help ]\culer[

    Basically how I interpreted this thread.

  10. If a little toxic scrub called reach keeps insulting people, maybe he gets spyfarmed.
  11. yes put a stop to him[\size] :evil:
  12. hate BBC codes ;(
  13. No, I changed all my lvl 4 guilds to SOS lvl 1 and I make 83m first hit on HTE instead of 75m which guilds give.