Do as I say not as I do

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IIlIIlSCUMBAGlIlIII, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Throughout life we set certain rules and boundaries that cannot be broken. These are crucial for character building, and also improve our social skills and acknowledge our self worth,and well as maintaining order.If we wish others to follow them We must strive to lead by example, and this way many others can look up to us and do as we do.So I would like to take this moment to ask the devs to please keep to their own rules, instead of constantly telling us the players what we are doing wrong. Constantly be scolded, silenced thread locked or even banned due to breaking these rules you hold in such high regard! Do you see when you flaunt these rules and use only when it suits you and make "exceptions" people lose respect for them? They become more of a source of levity So please lead by example devs !! And you know what issues primarily I'm taking about there is no need to expand in this or you will surely lock again!

    Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.
    Dalai Lama XIV

    This seems to your mindset as of late please start sticking to one set of rules for all, not using them Indiscriminately. Equality is often nice...
  2. I'm so sorry to everyone who has to keep listening to this crap.

    I feel like you're looking for every reason to hate the devs. Why not just play the game? Or if you don't want to play, why keep bringing this stuff up?
  3. Wall of text, not really saying anything, not that I care to read through it. What's done is done, stop whining and move on, it's not like what did happen affected you in such a way in which you couldn't continue playing.
  4. Um...not sure this thread could possibly help.
  5. Here's a bright idea: why don't you just email them this?
  6. Different day, same crap. And that's not in reference to the op.
  7. yah op ya got somethin there peeps should lead by example (grin) so lets all follow the ops example and make like numurous whiny threads complaining about nothing (giggle)
  8. skimming through, scolding at devs because ban/silence those who break tou