Do all people regenerate at the same time

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OcToPuS, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. I was just wondering if we could figure out if it is not already been figured out. We could post our regenerate times.
  2. Nope. 2 mins left here and 4 on main
  3. They wouldn't be the same, it takes 5 minutes to regenerate after your first hit of hitting EB or such this.
  4. Not always. Sometimes after i unload i get 3 mins or 1 of regen. This only haooens on my android device
  5. The only way to reset to 5 is xtal or nob
  6. Nope it's different for all.
  7. It's always different times dependant on a number of things not exactly sure how its calculated
  8. Your regeneration times are always the same 5 min intervals, no matters when you hit.

    Say your troops regenerate at 6:11, no matters when your first hit is, your troops will always regenerate at #.#1 and #.#6 intervals.

    I believe it all has to do with the time you started playing KAW
  9. * #:#1 and #:#6
  10. Which regeneration is a big key in farming, if you find someones regen time you can keep them pinned alot easier.
  11. No they don't
  12. Like I love Kaw said only way to change regen time is with xtals. Or nobs to regen but same effect.
  13. On my android my Alts time doesn't start over with a xtal, but my iPhone does
  14. No. Timelords only regenerate if they are close to dying, so unless they are dying simultaneously they will regenerate at different times.
  15. Nope and your regen time changes each time you use a CRYSTAL.
  16. @BHARR, it does but it just displays that it doesn't. If h have 2 mins left til regen and then u xtal, it might keep counting down from 2, but when it reaches 0 it will not regen and will correct its self to the proper time.
  17. *cough*brothels change this completely*cough*
  18. It doesn't elt because before ebs it wasn't like that.
  19. Yes it's the same when everyone attacks at the same time and have the same build and have the same tap speed and they have the same Internet speed and they can't be attacked or it'll screw up the count making someone regen faster than the other and a Booga Booga Booga. Da faq did I just say? Sorry took a verbal crap on you Original Poster.