disregard this thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Kasama, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. My thoughts on the hire drop

    Guys, I've been trying to find something to keep me from boredom and with clan killing getting destroyed (irony) and a rise of forum noobs.
    The hire drop will now be tested.

    • Ensures noob/statless alt doesn't grow
      The hire drop requires 7 button presses
      Relies solely on your income
      The hire drop is completely free game (no one frowns upon it)
      Targets news feed gets spammed
      Target and randoms regularly leave posts on your wall (they're all absolutely hilarious)
      Targets don't know what to do in this situation (as you're not farming them)
      Acquiring a forum cf request is complete hilarious victory
      Encourages unity among hire droppers
      A comedic insult to target

    • The hire drop requires 7 button presses
      Unless kept under supervision, target may grow beyond your reach (cash-wise)
      You may be farmed by the target's connections (disabling growth does make some people mad)
      Leaves links (to profile) via target's news feed
      Extremely rare cases when target cares little for your hire drop
      Target does gain some profit
      Hire dropper/s will incur losses (money-wise, maybe fight losses)
      You are prolonging an inevitable growth
      The ally market is a completely different entity that will side with the enemy
      Unless you're really active, you will not overcome the ally market
      Randoms wanting the 200 allies commander badge/max plunder will pick your target erratically
      A perishable skill (unfortunately)
      To ensure success, partners may be required
      Sometimes your partner may accidentially purchase the target, boosting the ally price.

    Final score

    Hire dropping requires patience and no matter what occurs you will receive losses. Whether you use it is completely up to you. Good luck.

    7button presses
    news feed > target page > hire > home > allies shortcut > (scroll) fire button > confirmation

  2. Lock/delete thread please, mod.

  3. 100b ally hires to the mod who bans him for necro bumping.
  4. I like this thread. It was well laid out and thought provoking. Would help out with everyone complaining about no allies to hire

  5. Kill all humans