Display Available Crestplates for the Appropriate Land

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Adam413, Apr 30, 2023.

  1. Its extremely simple and I don't know why not one person has thought it a good idea to recommend that the amount of available crestplates you have for the particular land that you are viewing shown anywhere is sad.

    There is an empty spot at the bottom right of the screen that you can put it. Yes you can go check your inventory, scrolling all the way down then going back, but it'd be a nice QOL feature to say the least.
    ZeN likes this.
  2. Deepmines levels:1) 5 crestplates 2) 15 crestplates 3) 30 crestplates 4) 50 crestplates 5) 100 crestplates 6) 200 crestplates 7) 250 crestplates 8) 500 crestplates 9) 1,000 crestplates 10) 2,000 crestplates

    Fateland levels: 1) 6 crestplates 2) 7 crestplates 3) 8 crestplates 4) 11 crestplates 5) 16 crestplates 6) 26 crestplates 7) 42 crestplates 8) 83 crestplates 9) 250 crestplates 10) 750 crestplates

    Pallumen levels: 1) 5 crestplates 2) 8 crestplates 3) 12 crestplates 4) 27 crestplates 5) 23 crestplates 6) 30 crestplates 7) 40 crestplates 8) 54 crestplates 9) 21.5 Q in gold 10) Gold too, but sorry I haven’t gotten that far to know how much)