Discussion: Current Trends and the Future

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. Before reading or posting: please try to not get too far off the topic of current trends or future events. Feel free to make a new thread if you want to carry the conversation off the topic of this thread.

    This is a discussion thread in which people can state what they think the world will look like in 10, 25, 50, or even 100 years, based on current trends. You can also state what country you're from so we can see how countries differ in their views of the future.

    What changes do you think there will be in religion, ethnicity, wealth, government types, and in the global balance of power? Will the nonreligious continue expanding or will religion stay dominant due to high birth rates among the religious? Will whites become a minority in Europe if birth rates stay low and immigration stays high?

    Will the world become polluted beyond repair, or will science be able to help stop global warming? When will China reach its full potential? Will China double or triple the GDP of America one day due to population?

    In the end, I think it will be interesting to see different people's world views based on their nationality. Maybe we will see which countries are more optimistic and which are more pessimistic.
  2. The world will eventually end

    in about 3 billion years

    That is the future
  3. Don't give a crap. Talk about Kaw.
  4. Off Topic is there for a reason. It's been the place of discussion for years now - and not one person gets to dictate what can and can't be posted

    Edit: except devs
  5. His gospel will be spread to all nations and all people groups

    "And this gospel will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." Matthew 24:14

    There are 11,000 people groups today
    6,000 unreached by the gospel

    We will achieve the great commission call to end the war between good and evil by ushering in the return of Christ

    If america falls, the churches planted in Africa and Asia will continue the mission and come to America to proclaim His glory
  6. There is no need to be a meanie face about it

  7. Soooo when is the next event?
  8. Tomorrow at 2pm cst i think

    (lol ik)
  9. For one of the first actual on-topic posts,

    I believe that the world will be run down by its own inner racism and hatred toward others. This was a year of killings, unfortunately. From white supremacists to religious bigots to terrorists, it was not a pretty year for the world. The situation between Israel and Palestine is worse than ever. Terrorism is growing rapidly. Racism is taking its toll.

    Unless the world can fix its ____, it's a downward spiral from here.
  10. Robots will rule the world!
  11. I think the technology will be much more advanced, that will change a lot in people's daily life.

    Religion will probably be less important in the future, as this is already a development we can see, at least in my country, Norway. In 2012, Norway officially removed Christianity as the State religion.

    One interesting thing is what will happen with the sexes. I've heard some people say that there should not be a distinction between "male" and "female", that those words should not be used. How that develops will be interesting to see.

    There will definitely be a more global world, and the differences between the different cultures will probably start to fade out. People and culture will become more similar, because of how we communicate today, travelling, and all the immigration. English will take more over, people will be using this language a lot more.

    These were just some of my thoughts! :)
  12. I eat devs for breakfast. And I still don't give a crap.
  13. Lol
  14. Skynet will launch the nukes and machines take over.

    On a positive note that will end taxes but death will still be certain
  15. Everyone will get Autism from vaccines