Did I mess up my build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 72kawkiller27, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. Hi its kawkiller and I was a forge attack build, but since I was only doing 11 damage to destroyer, I tried to hurry things up by building a sub factory..... it didn't work lol. And before that happened, I was getting 13 million gold coins per hit, but now I think I get 8 or 10 million, did I mess up my build? Oh and do I stick with subs or forges? Please comment !! Thanks in advance :). Kaw
  2. Oh BTW I actually get 7 million
  3. Your build is more messed up than that guy Aaron Hernandez murdered. Reset and try again.
  4. Op, do not build ANY t3 attack buildings. They will just hinder your growth. Go straight to t4.
  5. Upgrade your sub fully and it will give up.
  6. Messed up...
    Reset and become a GH.
  7. Yup your screwed delete your account
  8. I'm almost done with lowlands and cs is near 300k im not gonna give up now
  9. Is my build messed up? Cause I like playing around with my build a lot :)
  10. Stick with forged until you have enough gold to upgrade a sub fac right away
  11. It's fine, just get to t4 asap and make CoE.
  12. Invest another 3 billion I'm allies and you will be fine.
  13. um it might be because your subs are lvl 1! Lmao 
  14. ↑ my sub is lvl 3 -_-
  15. If you want bigger plunder you have to have at least 60% of your subs lvl three. Then it should go up unless your not at mo
  16. The advice given so far about waiting until you can put up a maxed SubFac, sticking with forges until you can put up CoE, or sticking with forges until you can put up 2 CoE lvl2 and the rest guilds lvl 4 are the best options. Don't listen to the "reset" comments. Good Luck!
  17. Thx 4 Real advice guys