Devs Wtf

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sighmin-Templar, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Hi KAWers,i am an american and i want to know wtf,KAWs 3rd all-star war is on the anniversary of 9/11,one of the worst tradgedies in american history. That day is reserved for prayer for that tradgedy,but were expected to play KAW instead of mourning,where i come from we have a special mass for 9/11,this is outrageous,so KAW,my retarded question today is

  2. Why not?
    People should try and move on, remember yes but no need to mourn. The dead should be celebrated for the life they lived not the horrible death they suffered.
    No one is making you kaw on that day you know.
  3. Jesus christ am I going to need to farm you again for your noobiness?
  5. Kaw was released to the app store on 9/11 2009
  6. 9/11 was bad but why not have the all star war?

    Are you going to pray all day and be sad all day?

    Probably not
  7. @OP try putting down the iPhone that day to show if you really respect those who perished that day instead of complaining about some game that's worldwide
  8. Op you're not even big enough too compete.. Take it down a notch
  9. OP.
    You'll likely not have to worry about being in All Stars yourself. It is usually top 5000 on overall LB that are allowed to participate in the wars.

    I respect the message you are trying to convey though. It was a tragedy, but how better of a way to spend that day but in Kaw battling the finest in the game.
  10. You're a scrub anyways how about you not concern yourself with the asw. And you're a poor representation of a good mourner step it up and mourn well atleast...
  11. Sorry i diddnt break out the fake tears then
  12. If it's so "outrageous" I'd at least hope that you provide us with a grand example of your devotion to said mass of a poor representation of humanity and it's tragic outcome on that day...
  13. @OP lock this thread it's completely pointless just don't play KaW that day sthu and gtho, some being such a attention seeking noob whore!!
  14. Oh yeah because the devs are forcing you to play KaW at gunpoint?
    No don't think so, especially at your stats.

    Such a noob...
  15. They could have chosen another day but they didn't, time to build a bridge.
  16. People die every day. Do you expect everyone to be mourning for the thousands of people that die every day of every year?
  17. I had a great "hmm"-themed post prepped, but then the game went down. To sum:
    The 3rd all-star war will not be the day of 9/11 since it falls on a weekday, but is expected to fall on either the weekend before or after.
    Second, the reason it's 9/11 is clued in the word "Anniversary" - It's KaW's birthday on that day. I had other witty things, bringing up ways to look at the war as memorializing the day the US took a harsher stance on terrorism, as well as talking about how december 7, 1941, or Pearl harbor day is similarly forgotten by many americans these days, and most don't mind/indeed do trample all over that day. Also, I then ended with a last "hmm" bit about how kaw is indeed a global game, and the majority of their customers are over in asia, and not, indeed, in the USA.
  18. Corinthian=Beast.