Devs.. what's happening to the game?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *IlWAR_VALORlI (01), Feb 17, 2014.

  1. I'm 4 lands away from being frost land complete and yet I can be hit by a beginner build that you get at the start of the game. Am I the only person who thinks that's ****** up? 
    I have to add massive towers, kill my plunder and growth, all to defend from a guild hansel.
    The devs have yet to man up and say, they ****** up a it's a coding error. Instead they ignore the issue and compound the problem. They throw shiny baubles at the community to distract from a failing game.
    Maybe we can collect Easter eggs and get a bunny bow while the guild hansel does EE wars. 
    Hundreds of ppl have posted great ideas, only to get a half assed responses from kaw_admin or kaw_community, "thanks for the great feedback, we'll read through and make some changes"
    This has been going on since season 1!
    Clans still sign up only to get a no match. And beg for the devs to tell them what to do to get a match.
    Ppl are still signing on, still wasting time on this game and deserve the respect of an honest answer.
    Tell the community what you are doing to fix the problems of the EE disaster. Tell clans what they can DO to get a match.
  2. Support got hit by a 3m cs kingdom the other day lol
  3. Instead of investing money (which they have plenty of) into making the game better which in turn would make them more money, they just sucking the life out of the game and getting as much as they can before they abandon it lol
  4. Once you pass like 2m cs hit range hugely increases. It's stupid.
  5. Maybe that GH is a leaderboard account with BFA
  6. Ata used to be a lot different. They're doing this with all of their games now. As an app dev myself, they're ruining any future for these games and they know it. Just proves that they couldn't care less about their dedicated players. Only the $$$ matters to them.

    To the people who spend thousands... This game isn't gonna be here for long.
  7. Bfa will help you.

    A lot of sh/gh with big bfa so yeah got to jump on the ally market.
  8. I can hit OP, a and I don't have very much BFA.

    OP - the only solution is BFA. Don't bother with HF, just build up your ally bonus.
  9. I get hit by 18-22 m cs kingdoms weekly. I don't get how thst works when I'm 5m cs. They are 4 times my size. I can't hit back either. And most are in clans thst if you hit, they all hit you. Devs, you need to fix things like this
  10. That is within dtw/dts mechanics.
  11. See as a SH its all very well saying build your bfa up- you guys have no intention of upgrading and growing fully whereas the rest of us are - so its a toss up between bfa or stats
    this also adds to the theory an internal hit ratio wont work being places in match ups either - a towered SH with BFA can hit lb i believe , so stacking wont stop
  12. You can only hit 5x your combined cs while also factoring the 2% bfa bonus to cs. So an sh shouldn't be able to hit an allies lb account unless it is a very large sh account with tons of bfa. Even so, it should still fail all hits other than a few scout wins.
  13. Support op! You said exactly what I am feeling. Something is obviously broken.
  14. @vix. With your combined cs of about 20.7m or so, only an sh of at least 5.4m cs could even hit you much less win on you. I realize that bfe is a big player in who you can win on, but an sh of 7.5m cs or so shouldn't be able to even hit most lb, much less win on them. If they can win scouts on you then you need more towers :)
  15. On the adverse a 13m cs player was hitting me the other day.
    Try as I might I failed every return attack. That's not fun. PVP would be awesome if you're able to actually attack back
  16. @running - trust me ive been whacked about and had attacks on me won by SH under 4mill cs ;)
  17. The worst thing is when you attack someone smaller than you by 3mil combined stats better BFE and BFA using full pots and failing. Also not being able to pin that person with a fb of attacks.
  18. Me having the better BFE and bfa*
  19. The only thing working well are the crystals/nobs bought from the oracle