devs. talk

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by knight_of_kaw, Jul 1, 2015.

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  1. This is mainly to the devs. It would be really helpful if you spoke to us. We make cool, Threads and have great ideas but we don't know if u look at them at all. Could you communicate with us?? Mods can't send millions of messages to you. Thanks.
  2. I think they are reading through the feedback, because that's how they came up with proposal #2 for season 5, and sometimes they answer (like they did on the first pages of that thread).

    They have said that they read through what we say and the feedback we give, but they don't always have time to answer. Maybe it is a good thing that they aren't answering, because that may mean that they're working on something..
  3. Maybe. But It would be niceā€¦
  4. Developers are not CSR's.
  5. Devs do take player ideas into consideration. I've seen lots of stuff proposed by the players enacted by ata. They simply cannot enact EVERY idea. Also, some updates take time.
  6. Please be advise that the in game developers and support are busy with several projects at ATA, they will respond when they can, so for the time being, post your feedback, cause the developers are always lurking forums to review ideas, new feature requests or a way to improve the gaming community Experience.

    thank you for having the patience and providing feedback, remember you can always contact a moderator to speak about the ideas, or ways to improve the gaming experience and we may forward them off to the developers if we feel that it is a good idea, or may help the community.

    Thanks! And thank you for continuing to play kingdoms at war and continuously supporting AThinkingApe.

    With that being said, I will lock this thread, remember, all feedback, ideas are read and Discussed.
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