@Devs Spy vs Attack Build

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by cold999, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. With the Devs supposed interest and emphasis on "fairness" and "balance" in the game including the latest change by altering event drops. How can you the Devs possibly justify your very public statements when spy builds are obviously making so much more plunder and gaining so many more drops than attack builds? This doesn't seem "fair" or "balanced" at all, it's in fact a direct contradiction to what you have so publicly stated.
  2. This isn't Fox News.. If you are expecting fair and balanced gameplay you should delete this app and try again..

    Good luck
  3. Oh my god, whatever shall we do?

    OP, hansels make plunder yes, but you should know that their main weakness are EBs requiring a lot of attack power. By your stats, you should have know this.

    All builds have pro & cons.
  4. There are ways around the atk power thing.
  5. You're only realized this,it's been like this for yrs the new balance the devs refer to only enhances the gap for drops.The devs want everyone to switch to spy build which will just speed up the death of this app because of boredom.
    All the devs did by this "BALANCE" is upset the community and stop the purchase of xtals,resulting in eb times getting longer.I'm still trying to rap my head around the term balance,I was told by Mario that my reward was gold earned on the eb not drops,a reply on my wall.
  6. Every build has their advantage and disadvantage. Hansels can't attack big ebs unless they have a good amount in Bfa, and for them to have enough bfa for that would cost hundreds of trills.

    In osw, hansels are the main target to attack, but are probably the most important aspect.
  7. Change your build skrub
  8. Just change ur build no need to be butthurt lol
  9. As a hansel I actually agree that the difference in event drops should be fixed however a lot of the people who complain about the drop rates are huge tanks with lots of towers. The towers shouldn't drop your event item drop rate however they shouldn't boost it either. That seems like the fairest method to me.

    In relations to gold a skimming attack build (especially with defensive troops) will earn more than a hansel however per unload a hansel will earn slightly more. Hansels are also highly vulnerable to attacks which make you lose the most amount of gold whereas steals which attack builds are weak to cost more spies and make you lose less gold (also easier to defend.)

    I want to see the builds fairer for events because at this rate everyone is going to go hansel and there should be more variety in kaw. I have been hansel since I started in 2011 and back then the main builds were attack or hybrid and ever since events have been dropping more for hansels more and more people have been changing to it and it's ruining the game balance.
  10. Wish I had gone spy
    Too tight to change. I will be only attack build left soon
  11. Mario is correct. Your due for your build size is the plunder you earn. Not an unfair amount of drops simply because of your size. A bigger build should have an easy time of making the rewards than I would. However a BC account shouldn't be able to unload once for max drops meanwhile others are active for whole ebs and get way less. Should they have rebalanced it in the way that they did? Certainly not. They went about it the completely wrong way. However, Mario is correct in saying the due of a big CS account, or any account for that matter, is their plunder. Not an unfair weighting in drops. Unfortunately more lack of testing on the devs part has resulted in this. BC accounts haven't seem to be effected much. The rest of us have however.

    Spy builds have always been at an advantage in events. Their reason for higher plunder is part of the build mechanics that have nothing to do with events. Events should not be about build type (bar the obvious that different build sizes hit different eb tiers).

    The current 'rebalancing' the devs have done has only made the situation worse. Their reasoning for it being that max amount of drops is still the same, it's the amount per unload that is different. They fail to acknowledge this now means needing to xtal for many of us. It did not have (I'm assuming) the intended effect on a BC account. They screwed everyone else instead. It is a significant change. My drops have almost halved in ASOF and LOTL yet, as always, smaller spy builds make more drops with less actions. Real fair, huh? Happens all the time.

    This is a problem I have raised with the devs in the past. I even made a thread about it. Their answer was total crap. I get several different answers for why it was set up in such a way. In the end their advice was to switch builds if I was unhappy. What fantastic advice from a clueless support team.

    Rebalancing my ass. Devs only continue to make the situation worse for those of us who aren't BC and can't unload once for max drops.

    Drops should not be so significantly different between an attack and spy build. The plunder a spy build earns is completely different to an attack build and not really relevant to an argument in relation to event drops.

    The algorithm for event drops should take in 1) eb difficulty and 2) No of actions and 3) build size however build size should not be taken into such an account as that it results in 1 unload for max drops. Eb difficulty and amount of actions should take precedence. With there being ONLY a slight increase in drops for bigger builds. Build type should not have the effect it currently does.
  12. totally agree ruggy
  13. I agree with most of what you say Rugby,but att builds get most of their gold from hits whereas spies from end plunder,this is a event and gold should not be factored into the equation as its all about drops.If you enter into a race it's about winning a medal of ribbon not about how much money you make.
    Another factor is the EE this gives even more advantage to drops,this also shouldn't factor into drops as war rewards,EE,is about recouping the gold from warring not drops from a event.We have one bc spy that comes for the end of each eb run and does up to 115 actions at the most and picks up max drops,like I say I'm still trying to see the balance.
    If the devs justify the balance by gold earned why is att builds any different than a spy build with EE 4/5 who makes a hell of a lot more gold than a att build.
  14. They didn't justify their rebalancing based on gold earned in the way you have suggested. You have missed the point entirely. They are saying that a big CS accounts reward is the plunder they earn. Not an unfair weighting of event drops. Where did you get this argument from by the way? I don't see it on your wall?

    Either way, I think you have misinterpreted it. A BC account is rewarded in plunder. Not an unbalanced event system. This is not the case. Despite their 'rebalancing'.

    Unfortunately their rebalancing hurt everyone else instead of the BC players who can still have a stupidly low amount of hits for their max drops. I'm not sure what they were trying to do with this rebalancing. Seems to have backfired to me though. Unless of course their intention was to hurt the player base who is not BC but had achieved certain tiers previously. If so, good job devs.
  15. Savage
  16. The only answer I've been given is about the gold I get from hitting LotL and Asof,and that the only change is to drops per unload I can drop a xtal,still have freebies,or 2 and increase my hit total which barely increases my number of drops.But if I open a crux chest and do the same number of hits as when I do not xtal my drops almost double,everything contradicts what the devs say.
    A simple fix to this would have been to adjust the max drops for smaller ebs,and before anybody says the big builds would switch to those would be wrong as the amount of hits they would get in and the gold earn wouldn't justify doing them.As it is with this REBALANCE we are behind the eight ball on returns from the silver bars to make up for hitting AsoF with its poor gold.

    I hope the devs dont listen to the tank lbs that been crying about this for long just to make themselves SUPER OP in every aspect.
  18. Anyone else notice that the attack builds that usually cry have a ton of towers while most hansels go with very little
  19. Sucks to suck