Devs please!! stop giving retributions to a no-match

Discussion in 'Wars' started by sweet_dreams_zzz, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. No- matches and mismatches are increasing. In the announcements of the matches you explain why clans didn't get a match and what clans do? Sign next war with same ridiculous rosters to try to get a easy war. Why clans keep doing this? Because a no match is a Really good deal, this clans know chances of war are low and they start TVP 15 mins before matchup, time to be able to do TVP twice and get up to 28 miths and at the price that I buy miths that's 44.5 Billions and this is not the only benefit but the extension of the EE for 2 more weeks, of course this players have EE lvl 5 getting 50% more gold on EBs. Do this clans care to war??
    EE war is the best idea u created for the game en EE is the best incentive to war but it should be earned and maintain warring.
    The big problem now start with 2 clans " Zaft " and " Rising hawks ". This 2 clans found The formula for a farming war. The first one is trying to get matches with 8 and more LBs and there is no clan that can do a fair war, they can always at more, that's why u don't c many big clans warring now. The second one is doing a sandwich, they got strong LBs with a bunch of small accounts been able to war as a med-small range clans so opponents (medium size ppl) can't win hits on the LBs ( this LBs don't even need adt ) and they can't hit the small one.
    Now day clans are trying to copy this style and that's why the system is creating more no matches. At the end only one style of roster is gonna be warring EE ( big accns with a bunch of alts)
    Devs!!! We need to save EE WAR. First at all you need to stop feeling guilty of no-matches, is no your fault that clans are trying to find easy wars with crazy roster. You don't have to guaranty a match for all clans, you need to guaranty a fair war to each clan. What real warriors want is a war where both clans have the chance of winning and winner is gonna be determined for a good war captains and good warriors that gonna work together on how to use troops spies and went to xtal.
    Here is a solution to stop this now.
    1st stop giving retribution for a no-match. Instead take one rancor level away from participants.
    2nd increase hit ratio to almost 100%. ( so everybody will be able to hit every one) 95% to 98% is ok.
    3rd decrease the range on bfa on clans to be match up.
    With this 3 steps u will see how on the way that player start losing their rancor they will try to balance their clans, on the end you will see EE wars the way it should be : strong clans warring strong clans, medium clans warring medium clans and small with small.
    I know you don't like to make changes on the middle of the season but this is something that need to be done immediately before clans and players give up on EE war.
  2. TL;CR seriously I'm confused by what you're saying.
  3. All i care about is rancor. And reaching 50, im sure all hard war vets only want that.

    As for mith. Once you have all equip maxed all you do is stockpile it help enchant new season rewards.

    People care about warring op.
  4. No one wants tvp we all want war noob
  5. _fatdude_ with K.o.S and PandaGeorge with Minas morgul 2 examples of big accounts warring with 8 to 10 small hansel that doesn't even have 2m in cs. Last war Minas Morgul did they did a farm festival that end 4.300.122.445 to 31.446.332.623
  6. This post is no supposed to be popular especially with the EE bullies. Is intended for devs to solve a problem. Thx
  7. Support, great idea .
  8. my apology, in the threat I mean to say about taking away a estoc edge lvl for a no-match and no a rancor lvl, the warriors try hard to get to 50
  9. @PandaGeorge maybe you use myths only to enchant equitments but clans like Zaft likes OSW (bully small clans/ small player) and to stockpile myths = be able to hide allies for weeks, cast UA for strips, remember we only can buy up to 6 myths and in a long OSW they are very usefull
  10. Why would people lose rancor for not getting match? Makes no sense
  11. Sorry P1tbull went I typed rancor I mean to say estoc's edge. They are only 5 lvl and if u r a real warrior u will get it back next war.
    The idea is force clans to do more balance roster. With this will open for more clans to war and it will match clans with a closer strength.
    Till now Devs been trying to adapt to clans structure and it should be all the way around.
    In season 1 warriors use to have a main clan for big playes and 1 or more clans for medium and small player. Now u c one clan that combine al sizes.
  12. No, this is stupid. Say I legitimately set up a good roster and I get a no match, I lose my Edge? It's not my fault the Dev's algothrim didn't find us a match, nor is it our fault that not enough clans signed up. As for clans deliberately getting no matches, the devs are "monitoring" it.
  13. Losing edge and rancor shouldn't apply to no match. They should just increase the timer on the level they already have.