Dev's please fix this out dated war system!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Arrogant_Sutt, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. It is time for the Dev’s to fix the mess they have created. Kaw and has had many upgrades with the new lands and buildings. They have never fixed the hit range to match their upgrades. The war system is so jacked up because of this. One simple fix to the war system is to make all hit range to double the cs and half the cs. This will kill the LB/SH rosters unless they face each other. If a sh with a cs of 3 mil can only hit a 6 mil cs account their hit ratio will be to low the match clans that are not trying to exploit the system. Now the people who have spent time and money to build BFA would say this is not fair. I agree. So for those accounts they would be able to hit 3 times their cs. Still keeping the advantage that they should receive from hard work and money spent but fix the war system. I have seen way to many time a 3 mil cs sh that can hit a 30 mil cs account that has even more bfa than they do. This is not only directed at SH, they are just the easiest to use as an example. I believe my way would allow the mid's to be able to war again with out being such a leak to the smaller accounts. I have really enjoyed playing Kaw but it is starting to lose its appeal with the way it’s heading. Dev’s please at least think about this and find a way to fix this system before everyone leaves. Just hitting EB’s is just not that appealing to most of us.
  2. Sutt the sad part u and many others have said the samething for over a year.

    Support 100%
  3. Think a simple fix is that bfa and bfe should not increase hit range , they should only be "bonuses" within your own hit range which should be based on your combined stats only .

    The matchup system seems to add cs bfe and bfa together and if both sides are close it deems it as fair

    We all know this is not the case if all the bfa of one roster is matched in two people on the other side , as it often does.

    Oh well. This has been brought hundreds of times . I don't think it's going to change.
  4. Or we purge the exploits. Sh aren't a dev problem, they didn't tell everyone to use them. The players wanted easy wins to rise to the top quickly, and all went with the exploit build. Its not the devs, but we the community that need to fix the issue.
  5. It's not the match up system you noobs it's the plunder system :roll:

    SH with high bfe and bfa is the same as your average build.

    The plunder system is old abused and neglected. Understand the problem before you post.
  6. So true Cloud, Yes we have and nothing has been done at all.

    And yes it could be stopped by us but it's not happening. It is only gotten way worse. They new UG's and have just made it to a point that you have to stack just to stand a chance. So the Dev's need to fix it. I believe it's a easy fix and should work.

    Look I understand that someone has to lose a war. But when a match is made and you already know who won, that is not fun. This is not me crying that Loada and Donno have crushed me my last few wars. They spent a lot of money to do that. But when there is not a NMF in primals the 2nd strongest clan is in a would of hurt in most cases. In indi wars if one of the top 4 cast, there is not a person in the game that can win an attack on them. Unless its a lucky 1 in 1,000,000,000 shot. So if there is no NMF in primal and not a evening of the indvi wars rosters it is pure lottery if you get a win. I would like to at least like to put into the wc and the Participants hands a bit.

    I just think that a lot of us feel this way and the Dev's need to fix what they caused.
  7. WoIfie I think you are way off. Yes the SH make a ton when they hit a 30 mil cs build. If they can't hit that build then they would not make that plunder.

    This is not a chicken or egg thing. It's the fact they can even hit who they can hit.

    So I believe I do know that I am taking about!!!
  8. No I'm closer than I ever am to a nailing the tail on the donkey.

    SH with high bfe and high bfa to other SH accounts is like a red star to me.

    They are builds with very high stats, hidden they may be bit it's still stats. If devs fix the plunder system then it would stop you lot complaining :roll:

    Plunder should include equipment, allies, def pots and stats. Not just stats and defence pots :|
  9. WoIfie It is the match up system not the plunder. If you just reduce the plunder they will still stack LB/SH rosters. If you reduce the hit range it end the stacked rosters. They will always get a NMF or another LB/SH rosters. So you are way off. Reducing the plunder does nothing to stop the problem. The LB accounts will still crush the other roster and the SH will just fail bomb you to keep you as an easy target for the Bigs.
  10. Support. I would prefer the community just have a strip sh day like farmpalooza. But sutt brings a valid point. Cheers sutt
  11. The only reason stacked rosters are an "issue" is because SH make much more than they leak, hence Woifie's point about it being the plunder system, not the matches, that need fixing.
  12. The matches are fine you noob people are complaining because SH get more PLUNDER from people and people bigger then SH get less PLUNDER.

    So for the 3rd time it's the plunder system that's broke not the match system

    SH have hidden stats that makes them stronger than people :|
  13. I was agreeing with you Woifie
  14. I was talking to op :3 he thinks different
  15. Oh I see. And yeah he is wrong. There's nothing wrong with matching a mid to high bfa SH, they essentially have similar stats, it's just the fact that plunder is based only on base CS which causes mids to pay better than SH.
  16. Wolfie-- your running your mouth with a inactive spell and talking to ppl that war alot --- simmer down child
  17. Support! This needs fixing. Devs worry too much on land and ebs and promo so they can make their cash. But for once, i dont give a damn about these new mithril equipment, i just want the real manly ee wars.
  18. If youre not enjoying a game that you are playing, then dont play it. Find something else to do with your time. It aint rocket science.
  19. Wolfie nice shattered sword noob. You part of the.prob please leave the post.