Devs* please consider..

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IISPllO0lIKYllGUIlNllISHiPlI, Feb 4, 2017.

  1. Compare the stats of the two pieces of equipment, the time they were released, and somewhat more importantly the way they were obtained. Why shouldnt the equipment dropped from nobility boxes get an upgrade too?
  2. Re: Mods please consider..

    I think you mean devs
  3. Re: Mods please consider..

    ty lol changed it
  4. Clans pride shoulders wasnt a part of the orisons event. Was a quick weekend event seperate from orisons. ONLY ORISONS GET A BOOST.
  5. Even if they increase it the equipment will be outdated in a few months. I think you learned a valuable lesson on what you choose to spend your money on.

    If you're going to spend money on a game atleast spend it on parts of the game that can't be taken away from you
  6. I dont expect this to be supported by people who are salty cause they didnt get it but I still want an answer from devs lol.
  7. I don't believe this is true. While I can't say I remember for sure, I'm very certain Hyndemara wasn't part of the Orison's series. Yet they got a boost (helm and boots). Apologies in advance if Hyndemara was part of the Orison's set.

    As an aside, no I don't have this equipment, yet I support the boosting of it.
  8. It was part of it.....i agree about it should be boosted.