DEVS Please Clean Barcode names

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ---ReesesPeeses---, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Hello Devs,

    I have left you feedback and sent e-mail but I have not received any response back in regards to barcodes popping up. Last season you threatened to ban accounts and strip players off all achievements and bonuses but nothing is being done to address that same issue now.

    With all these random KO wars, advantage wars and 1 hr war it's imperative that same rules for gamer tag/ username be applied as it was done last season. Last season several players spent real $$$ to accommodate your request in a timely fashion. If I am not mistaken you clearly declared barcoding a form of cheating. Therefore I ask you to look into this matter PROMPTLY.

    Thank you for listening and addressing our concerns to keep KAW a fun app for all of us.
  2. That was only for clans which had barcode names which exceeded the profile screen by using capital m and w's.

    All other barcode name use is legal, annoying but legal
  3. If my name was to be wmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwm or something equally repetitive, that would be cheating. But having it be ilCilailsiltiliileill is completely legitimate.
  4. There are ways to effectively render useless barcode names, so I don't really see the issue.
  5. Hop on a PC and you can distinguish the i's from the L's pretty easily.
  6. Or download a font on your iDevice that shows the uppercase i as having those two lines above it..
  7. *two lines, one above one below.

    Don't judge I'm tired
  8. Why are names like mwmwmwmwmwmwm cheating? Isn't it just another username?
  9. It is trippy.

    I was EEing a clan that was legitimately using the mwnmwm name things, and were CHANGING their names every 10 minutes. Like, wasting nobs to change the pattern in their name.

    Was ridiculous. I even asked them to make sure my trackers weren't high or drunk.
  10. I've had to track people who changed names too. Minor inconvenience is all. I lol'd at the wasted nobs.
  11. One really simple way for the devs to short circuit most of the advantage of the barcode would be to make the names clickable in CC. There's probably about an hours development effort needed to do that...
  12. @kakashi
    Names like that don't fit into phones, making them impossible to track on certain mobile devices. Because of this, tracking from a device is impossible, which is why the devs banned such names.
  13. During EE*

    I don't think it's banned for OSW and such.
    Could be wrong though
  14. Devs stated that changing names after match up is against the rules.
    Season one I saw people stripped of mith and ee for changing name
    Season two people still doing it and no consequence.

    The whole drama over WWMM was blown out of proportion by clans that couldn't defeat it.
    Camouflage is a tactic and there should be a clear rule. Forcing players to spend real money to be allowed to war was illeagle at the time. But wtf.
    No barcodes ( which I don't agree with ) or quit whining and accept it.
    I can't see devs doing anything to change it or any other aspect of kaw. They have done far worse things like essentially shutting euro and Asia out of season 2 with the times selected to suit USA
    Complain about the things that matter barcodes can still be tracked as much as anyone else in random advantage.
  15. When/where was this?
  16. Giskard how long have we asked for that especially for devices.
    Can't see it happening unfortunately. Hope devs prove me wrong on that.
  17. Like they have stated already, names the hopped off the screen because it was too big are those that were banned, but having straight barcodes is no big deal.

    Learn how to track or get a better tracker, no other reason for that.
  18. Sholron that was way back in season one.
    As I said had friends stripped of mith for it. But haven't seen it enforced for season two. No idea where that forum is now but they classed it as cheating when they stripped his mith for doing it as it removes ability to track that player.
    Think they need to re clarify some of the rules especially as I haven't heard of it being enforced seaaon two and encountered it a few times
  19. Secret lovely your correct btw it's not banned for osw purely ee wars. You will not be allowed to keep mith rancor or edge with a WWMM name. Outside ee they are fine
  20. I didn't notice anything about it in season 1, just the WM exploit - was this announced in forums?