Devs owe us a better Gaming experience

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ---ReesesPeeses---, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Hello Kawmmunity,
    I have a few things that I want to point out with recent changes in the world of kaw and wanted to see how you guys and girls felt about it. Please stay on topic and don't derail with noob rage
    1) Don't make promises that you can't keep. Don't give us vague dates of new eb and item release months in advance.
    2) Dont alter plans cause first ones didn't pan out the way you planned. Stick to your guns( summer wars and constantly changing payouts because ppl won't participate)
    3) Constantly bringing out new Ebs with lower payout when next set of buildings are going to be more expensive( if price of real estate goes up so needs the income, can't pay mortgage otherwise... So new better paying Ebs please)
    4) Thanks for ruining summer wars by releasing news of T5 and fewer clan participation and unfair results.
    5) Open up player's options with more quests, 1vs1 random matchmaking with point system, collecting items( not equip... Say gems from smaller Ebs) to upgrade equips, buildings or lands in future.
  2. They don't owe us anything. It's their game.
  3. Not if I am and hundreds others are paying customers
  5. Exactly, Owen summed it up perfectly.
  6. You don't have to pay op.
  7. They do not owe you anything. Anyone can play this game for free, and they maintain that.
  8. It may be their game, but it wouldn't exist without our support. What I would like to see are the achievement bonuses that we were promised such a long time ago.
  9. Nobody is forcing you to pay @.@
  10. It's not even about the payment. It's about making the game experience better. Please stay on topic.
  11. It's not about payment but they owe us?

    Makes sense.
  12. This game is free. Your argument is invalid. Get off of forums.
  13. Martyn I have invested lots of time and money and so have hundreds of other users. I wont play this app if it wasn't fun. Yes, it's a business but it still needs to deliver on the principle it was built, FUN. Yes it is a game and it should be FUN. Is that too much to ask?
  14. If its not fun stop playing.
  15. He said stay on topic. Why are you still trolling? I agree devs don't necessarily OWE us a better gaming experience, as everything but pro packs are still accessible to non-paying customers. But it would be nice if they gave us a better gaming experience.
    That's how business works. You can't just ignore everything your paying customers ask for. That's how you -lose- business. KaW was a top game at one point. I maintain that the ratings have dropped because the updates are getting crappier and crappier.
  16. I'm not trolling at all. I will admit that I've been a bit stubborn for lack of a better word.
  17. Ty lilenina :) yes KAW has indeed dropped in rankings. Lots of my friends who started playing this game about two and Half years have left or are rarely active. I am not spending another dime unless Devs start listening to the community. I used to love this game but slowly it has started to loose it's charm :(
  18. As a paying customer of over 2 1/2 years I'm happy ATM.
  19. Okay, I apologize about earlier. I feel bad.

    The thing is that a huge majority of players are perfectly content with just hitting EBs. There's virtually no risk involved and you can make a ton of easy gold. In the end I think the devs pushing PvP and other things wouldn't be making them enough money to be worth their time, sadly.