devs no how to get something right

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. That's right but it won't surprise most of u to know that the only thing they know how to get right is no matches ........these guys are the kings of no matches ..intact I'm willing to go on record n say its the only thing these morons get consistently right .
    Bring back your roster chart to show our position of strength based on other clans n start giving us feed back on y we got a no match.
    N stop looking after priority clans that never seem to get a no match but spend big its obvious to many this happens
  2. Cool story bro
  3. So much crying about everything the devs do. The community is like one giant spoiled family. Screaming in a store until the parents give them what they want.
  4. Post with your main PvP n we will see if u can back your name up noob
  5. I'm not scared to state my opinion this is my main as I reset. If u are going to get butt hurt at any negative feedback on a forum just don't post. This isn't a fantasy land where everyone agrees with every little thing u do. K?
  6. Op your complaining isn't going to fix anything the devs do their best, why don't you go to ATA offices and try fix the bugs then. They have brought out an eb to try compensate for no matches but granted its not as good as a war but they try their best
  7. Not sure they do.. Look at the matchups.. Guaranteed there's 2-3 huge mismatches where another clan could have matched one or the other perfectly, but got a no match instead.. Thought these were chaos wars anyway... Why are there even no matches in the chaos wars? Chaos isn't fair lol, I'll take a mismatch over a no match... You seem to give a couple other clans unbelievable mismatches in their favor.. Never give them a no match it seems... Why not or everyone?
  8. Whether it's a mis match or a no match there are always complaints and yes there are bugs but it's difficult fixing one bug without creating a few more. I believe the devs are trying as there is not just wars they have to focus on,e.g they are trying to do more for PvP and working on the new eb's also the new banners there is a lot happening and it's more complicated than some guy banging a few keys on a keyboard and boom it's done. These complaints make the devs sound like they spin about on office chairs all day which they do not
  9. devs getting support :eek: :eek: , this is new :lol:
  10. with you people it's never good
    would you prefer an unfair match over a no match? cuz then forums full of whining.
  11. "Devs no how to get something right"

    Correction:Devs know how to get something right.
  12. Op is just a noob
  13. U no how to usi Engeish?
  14. As much as u no how to run from wars
  15. Hey, I'd like you to guess how much good this thread did.
    It's only exactly the same as half the threads made today.
    Devs have heard all these complaints before.
    The community can't do anything serious.
  16. Give the Devs a break... All everyone is doing as of late is complaining and complaining and complaining and I for 1 am sick of hearing it. And you can bet your bottom dollar the Devs are too! Instead of going at it like a bull in a china shop look at who got a match and didn't yourself ! It's not a coincidence that the same ppl get a match all the time, it's because they know how to make a roster. Perhaps if you spoke to them they would explain how to make a roster...
  17. How can u say there king of no matches with so many bad matches lol?
  18. It ppl like ur fault Optimus not upgrading for all the bad matches FYI
  19. So, I've been gone for three months, and I come back to find the same kinds of dumb ass threads in forums as I did when I had to leave. If you hate it so much, go learn to code and make your own game, see how easy it is then.
  20. Those who spend big, plan big. They want to be the best. Since they plan big, they win big. They aren't being favored in Estocs.
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