devs killed it

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -PaYDaY-MaCHiNE-, May 9, 2014.

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  1. Thanks devs you killed this game for me after 5 years of playing time to slow down ️
  2. Hasn't been 5yrs yet. :D
  3. Agreed 30 tril to hf bc it's a lb
  4. Lb only game know
  5. Its only 30tril to hfbc?... huh.. well then :lol: thts not so bad. Maybe i may grow
  6. Get lost you bunch noobs nothing better to then troll
  7. Bro, join me on a super slow growth mainly OSW path. :lol:

    Relax and fun and chit chat in cc. That's all.
  8. Let's all quit this shitty game
  9. Patriot reset and ill reset after you!!! :D
  10. Great work ata you just made all the time and money I have invested in this game worthless, everyone should receive a full refund from day one.
  11. Lol you're all mad and I'm happy I got gold refunded and prices dropped 
  12. Met I quit trying to grow 9 months ago  I'm osw for life baby 
  13. Just relax and take a hit of this grass  why is everyone in such a rush to get BC if you become BC then you'll have nothing to do
  14. Crying baby
  15. Why build any T6 if next year will be reduced price for noobs again??????
  16. Because then you have an advantage over everyone for an extra year :lol:
  17. Growing isn't the only aspect of the game :roll:
  18. Hey Dom Dom how's it going bro
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