devs do u read forums?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXxOUT_Zerogrim_LAWZxXx, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Just want to throw this out there.... Soooooo many threads on broken ee system and yet no fixes done.... Just wanna know why ur letting gh/lb bigs who are stacking get all the good equipment while all those who are not lb big tanks or gh fall behind more and more???? Did we do something to u?
  2. thats not devs fault , its the players.
  3. Right. We'll just sit back and wait for the players to regulate themselves.
  4. Think it's easier said than done.. Think I read on a thread that they would use s3 data to tweak. So no changing during s3
  5. @damascus
    :lol: too true
  6. Yes they do. I saw kaw_admin post on someone threa yesterday about next promo ideas.
  7. Their is no fixing the current e war system without forcing people to change their builds, and that's not fair, you should be able to play any build you want. The only answer isn't fixing but rather starting over. Completely abandon the current war system and start from scratch, it's broken and terrible and just gets worse from season to season.just abandon it and start with something fresh
  8. Poke a thread at KC and he/she turns up
  9. You guys make programming sound as easy as baking cake ._.
  10. "Yeah, Devs why don't you reply to our annoying spammy threads?"
  11. Replying to all the crying people in forums would be a full time job.
  12. Eh can't blame people for crying, some people have spent a lot of money and time making their builds e war capable just to get no match after no match or get pounded into oblivion by a bad match up. Getting all towered up really hurts plunder so I'd be ticked off to. They have a right to complain, they are the consumer and the current product is broken unless you are one of the few clans with LB and SOS
  13. Meanwhile these few select clans get great gear and pull further and further away from the rest of us bfe wise
  14. So you want life to be easy for you even though you're taking away from the people that deserve it?
  15. It's their fault for picking a **** build
  16. Lol troll I've played many many online and app games, never have I seen such an uproar over a pvp system. So ya dismiss it as a bunch of cry babies that don't deserve to win if you want. That's the easy way out 