DEVs can you make 100k event items more worth while getting to?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by nickamania99, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. Is it just me or does 100k items feel extremely underwhelming? Can it be spruced up?
  2. What do you have in mind for a spruced up 100k award? 🤔
  3. Honestly let me think about it hahaha but seeing it’s the devs job to come up with cool stuff I reckon they have an idea
  4. They are probably content. While it is there job to make the game more fun, the devs here historically will cherry pick ideas from the community and ideas of what makes other Got’cha games more financially successful.

    While calls to make the event promos better have been there for a while, maybe posts about how to make them better will also work.There are only a few developers working on KaW and most of their creative juices goes to younger games with players that are a lot more forgiving and less whinny than the ones here.

    I am not saying giving ideas and giving constructive criticism will work. But it may work better than just blank calls for changes.
  5. 100k rewards were great when the idea of event grinding was first getting popular, but the gold inflation spike on top of the current max stats has really made most rewards extremely underwhelming.

    I have grinded for my fair share of top 50s, and that alone cost me a lot of money, xtals, and time for pretty minimal reward.

    KaW has a much larger issue than rewards from events, stat explosion and gold inflation have essentially made this game unplayable for new and returning players that are not willing to set a timer on their phone to unload every hour or those who aren’t willing to spend a lot of cash to grow very quickly.

    The issues also have leaked into traditional aspects of the game like PvP and OSW, as the ease of access to infinite gold has essentially made stripping a slight annoyance compared to back in the day. 20 bucks and a weekend and you can get the majority of what was stripped from you back.

    Lots of issues, and I have no energy to even attempt to come up with solutions that won’t be seen anyway.
  6. This is a fair enough response. I have no clue how to.. make the game better. And I know all too well the devs will never revert.

    I don’t think there ever is a way to revert a game to a base that once worked. They can’t/won’t make another game that mimic KAW back when HLBC was the peak of building and the rest of growth was based on allies.

    I keep trying to think of a way to make KaW better but I have no clue. I also have no energy to go above 60k
  7. The gap between the 60k and 100k is pretty big. And then once you hit 100k…nothing. I would say do rewards every 25k up to 150k. Make sure you include some fates plates on all (we all use them to sell off for gold right?) and step up the qty of pal plates and TT plates w each mark starting at 50k. I dont even pay attention to the other junk they usually give in the rewards, so give more or less of it, who cares. Just my $.02 for what it’s worth.
    nickamania99 likes this.
  8. I mean adding aqua and inferno is pretty good so you can turn your equipment into charms