DEVS and their new school EE math

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. This is not a complaint post.... However, that being said... I don't know how anyone else feels about how the trials are going this weekend, but I have only seen 1 close war among the top 50 strength clans so far this weekend.

    Season one other than a couple minor tweaks that were needed for GH an BFE adjustments seemed to me to be really fair most of the time. Of course you will always have the people that complain about everything. Which is just the way people are.

    Our clan was occasionally blown out, and we occasionally blew someone else out during season 1. Overall in my opinion, it seemed very fair amount the top clans. I cannot of course speak for the middle to bottom of the pack because I only warred in 1 clan the whole preseason and season.

    What are your guys thoughts about what is going on this weekend? And just don't make this a complaint thread. Give the DEVS honest feed back here. A lot of us really enjoy EE regardless of the out come.

    It does also seem weird that the DEVS are not posting the strength of each clan because they are trying to test the upper vs. lower capabilities of their matching system. Hence the lopsided battles in this weekends matches. Food for thought.

  2. War 3 was probably emblematic of the entire weekend. I did not see a single war decided by less than 10 billion at the end -- and many were complete blowouts from the beginning. If you want to look at wars 1 and 2 there were a handful of close wars, but a great majority of these fights were decided by more than 10 billion.

    The problem, IMHO, is that the Devs are trying their EE matchup fixes piecemeal. They are re-introducing the DTS/DTW mechanic (a step backwards in my opinion), yet at the same time ignoring the very large issues of BFE and BFA. The Guild Hansel issue is always nodded at, but the DTW/DTS mechanic actually makes it more difficult for many payers to hit GH. I think no matter how you try to tweak the fight mechanics, ignoring the two of the three biggest factors in determining a kingdom's true strength (with build type being the third) makes any fight mechanic adjustment meaningless.

    I think the devs would be well served to speak directly to the people who have proven to understand the mechanics of EE wars. Station_Hiney, Giskard, Cal_Norton_Jr, The_Dark_Night, Sister Psycho (I'm sure I'm forgetting a host of others, but those were the ones who popped to mind).

    It is telling that many of these individuals predicted the outcome of this weekend's wars BEFORE a single action was taken. They knew the flaw in the mechanics and pointed it out.

    To summarize: speak with people who know, take total kingdom strength into account, fix the payout structure (i.e. Guild Hansel issue referred to endlessly in other threads), and scrap the DTW/DTS mechanic .

    Those are my suggestions.
  3. Not liking one bit that they aren't accounting for bfa and bfe, a clan could be 20x stronger than another and be matched as if the stronger clan was actually weaker. The war I was in yesterday we had 4 lb opponents, we had 1. Between the 4 they had a combined KO total of ~30-0. No one could get through and they were virtually unstoppable. But with the new algorithm we might be seeing alot more of this
  4. And with that^. Since devs aren't accounting for bfe and bfa, if the clan we faced had not had those 4 lb, but had 4 hlbc people in their place, we would have 30 less KOs and would have crushed them
  5. Another way to solve guild prob is base ally bonus by stats. Because its not which is insane. I have 5.6m attack, but since I have towers on 13 lands a person with 3m atack with spy and attack buildings on all lands will make more than me.
  6. I personally liked the last three weeks when we could decide when we come out of dtw. Power to the players I'd say.
  7. I agree Phil. This weekend seems to be large leap backwards though
  8. Bump as for some reason this dropped of AT with only 3 players' opinions...
  9. What's really sad is, not only can the GH NOT be hit by everyone now, but they are too strong for the smaller folks to hit. The dtw system is for sure not the way to go.....
  10. We got matched with rising hawks, bad match up in our eyes, ppl recieving dtw messeges but recieve inc from same person? the bfe is a issue n needs to be addressed some of us dont have the ee purple items so they have a higher advantage. rising hawks havent lost a war for over 40 days n a average clan gets matched with them? i think war history needs to be added to the method of matching as well
  11. That's a new twist southern. I kinda like it. As your wins mount and mount, then it would only make sense that your draws get tougher and tougher.
  12. Just my 2cents.

    Largely, the mechs from last week (with 2 exceptions) were spot on.

    2 hour wars are the sweet spot. Maybe add the odd 1 hour war occasionally, but 2 hour wars offer the blend of reasonably easy participation and the time required for clans to effect a decent strategy.

    Variable knockout was a good thing. Variable knockout with advantage was a bit pointless, but the variable knockout with decent regen times allowed all player builds to have a decent bite of the cherry. This presents a slight tactical disadvantage to super organised tracker clans, but I believe this is more than offset by the wider range of builds that benefit by a variation in knock out times.

    BFA factoring seemed reasonable. Build factoring seemed to favour tower builds slightly, but that just my theory. Happy for the devs to correct me on that one. 

    So the only areas that needed work were the factoring of BFA and the GH chestnut. Given the significant work to date and good incremental progress over many weeks, let's fast forward to this weekend.

    Poo sandwich. Devs, you were so close. So close. Then some analyst programmer gets clever and undoes several months worth of effort.

    Please consider binning this branch of code. Go back to last weeks branch, Then simply add the BFA fix. Once that's sorted, wait a week or two, then fix GH. Noone will mind waiting if your incremental changes are meaningful.

    With weekend was an abortion. A joke. Ironically, you have just as many no matches last war as previous, so even that is a fail.

    This is said without malice. A good EE match is one of the most exciting things in the the history of KaW. But your Player base is tired of being the lab rat and they're tired of PAYING for your right angled changes in direction.

    It would be a shame for you to trip over at the finish line. It's nice to have the support of a few brainless GH fanboys. But better to have the support of your whole player base.

    You're not going to pay the bills if you rely on the good graces of mithed up droids with a few guilds and a single MP ally.

    Disappointing that you need to be reminded of this.
  13. Giskard, just to be clear, did you mean to say BFE in your area that needed work (as well as the GH chestnut, as you put it)?

    I think there was a decent BFA mechanism earlier--it was the lack of BFE being counted in matchups that needed fixing (and the GH fix as you point out).

    As for my two cents: I would also add that the DTW/DTS mech should be scrapped in system wars. I like Station's idea of a 15 minute ko time with the option for a kingdom to come out at 13 minutes (split the baby for those that track but don't want a 5-10 minute spam fest, and those that want to be able to get off a few shots and try to self ko).


  14. Sorry, my bad. Meant BFE. 
  15. Idk how this new system works but its pretty annoying getting dtw on a #1 plunder GH....pretty much only thing that bugs me...
  16. Yes Nick. Happened to us last night. War 4 actually brought us a challenging war. My hat goes off to Zero Tolerance. Their GH was top plunder until the very end and raked in 3.5b in plunder. It literally took the whole match for the 6-7 people out of 29 to get a handle on this dude.

    The consensus seems to be pointing in one direction. The wars were great the way they were. Get a grip on BFE and GH. We are starting to sound like a broken record.

    Which actually leads me to this point. With all the changes that the DEVS have put in place,wouldn't u think that they would calculate BFE and de-strengthen the power of a GH if they could? It just may be possible that the game structure doesn't allow for these to be considered?
  17. Interesting possibility death. I'm my BFE thread, gamehenge had some pretty interesting theories/insights on that possibility.

    I tried to find that thread today, but couldn't. I was either just doing a 'boys look' or the devs deleted it. 

    If I can find gamehenge's post, I'll copy it here. It was very interesting.
  18. Some great points made here and I hope the Devs take notice of the players. This is good feedback and I concur with what's already been expressed so nothing to add apart from random ko's did bring a welcome dimension but I prefer 2 hr wars to 1 hr blitz as it allows for more strategic play. 
  19. As I typed in my last post, about our first real challenge of the weekend (close match, we have been blown off our rockers 2x already), we are engaged with Battlegrounds II. They are a great clan and deserve much respect, but they are not even on the LB and we are ranked 8.

    In order to draw them (just doing a quick math run in my head) we would have to have mostly medium to small players from our clan cast woc. We have our normal mix in today's line up. This poses a huge mathematical advantage for us. How is this a fair match for BG II? Algorithms aside, Stevie Wonder could have matched this match just as easily (no slams against any handicapped person intended).

    Weekend total this far for us. 4 bad (and I mean way off) matches and 1 good one (which proved that we were way stronger in the last 30m, ZT did a great job).