Democrats and Republicans

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WhatsUp, May 22, 2016.

  1. It really doesn't matter which party you vote for because they are both sell outs either way, but yet all of you fuss about your parties like they are actually on different teams, like they actually care for the middle and lower classes, as if they are working for your best interest. They only accomplish and listen to what their corporate donors tell them to. Tax cuts , less regulations, and maximizing profits are the top things on any corporation list. Spend your whole entire time surrounded by a whole bunch of wealthy people and all you end up caring about is wealthy people.Though yet all of you fuss over pointless arguments like which party is the best. The funny thing about polictans is that you really can't get mad at them because you are all the fools that voted these people into office that always end up screwing all of you over. Decades and decades, history really do repeat itself. It's a shame, people never do learn anything. Oh wait, they do learn how to blame other people. What do all of you think, are these parties really different or are they all in the same boat?
  2. ...they're basically the same some one else said it in another thread months ago (maybe year or more) but there really is no left or liberal wing of our government. The Clintons were under cover Republicans and Obama sold out the second he hit office. Both parties are bought and sold and our country is run by career politicians.
  3. As screwed up as the politicians are in the US wouldn't trade it for any other government in the world.

    Our "leaders" are simply a manifestation of the moral crisis of intolerance and selfishness. Common sense and compromise is gone and both sides are dug deep in a death battle that benefits neither and hurts everyone.

    There is no winner for America or the world in our next election. Until Congress and the lifetime professional staffers there are flushed, no president will be effective for left or the right.

    If a Dem wins we have 4 years of deadlock and territorial pissing again...

    If Trump wins congress is still at odds with his programs and Trump not being willing to compromise or see reason. So Again deadlock.

    Obama like him or not still has a 40% approval rating, congress hovers around 12%, yet we as Americans continue to re-elect the same self serving career politicians.

    Congressional Leaders spend more time in fund raising boiler rooms than they do on the floor or speaking to constituents about issues rather than asking for donations.

    Our parties on both sides are broken due to greed and hunger for power.

    Is Canada hiring?
  4. People need to stop whining about what the rich do. "Oh wall street gets away with this and that,so I'll never make money". Worry about your own life and how to better it. If everyone spent less time worrying about people that are more successful than them and how the government can support their every action, we would be in a lot better place.

    Edit: And yes, I think there is a difference between the parties, but usually the impact the party has on the majority of peoples lives is minimal. Unless you're Obama, and you make people buy stuff they can't afford.
  5. There needs to be an equal playing field. If its not, don't complain when others point out the injustice in the system.
  6. Equality is a fallacy. An excuse for the non-successful. There will never be an equal playing field. That's how you can separate the successful and non-successful. Successful take the hand they're dealt and win with it. Non-successful people dig through their list of excuses to explain their failures.
  7. If you want to view the world with such a narrow mindset, go ahead. But don't expect others to be alright with how corrupt the world is.
  8. Narrow mindset? I am my own person, and no matter which political party controls america, I will strive for success.

    Want to talk about inequality? If I was a minority, or my parents made less money I wouldn't be paying 15 grand a year in student loans. But I'm a white male, and my parents aren't bums, so I pay it. I could easily use that as an excuse for failure, not go to school, and get a job at McDonalds demanding $15 an hour. But I don't. I started my own company with my GED, and am able to support myself and pay for my education out of pocket.

    Guess that's narrow minded though. Guess I should open my mind, cry about the unfairness and wait for the government to fix my every issue.
  9. What would you recommend instead of the current political system? Unless you have an alternative then we are stuck with what we have. Also it's the anger at the system that has given rise to people like Trump and Sanders.

    As for the party system, the reason it exists is because you need at least 50% to win office. If you have more parties, it becomes increasingly difficult to elect anyone. People then try to group similar beliefs into one group, such as Democrats being more progressive with things such as education, LGBT rights, abortion rights, etc. And Republicans being more concerned about taxes, guns, religion, and so on. Both sides have their extremists that will literally fight for their side to not even work with the other. We need to learn that doesn't work...
  10. Jesus you're dumb af. Tell that to a kid in Africa who has to work instead of going to school or his/her younger siblings will starve to death if they don't. It's not a simple as you say but it's pretty obvious you lack the ability to see how things can be different from your own small generalisation cold dumb view

    Tell me how that child is suppose to take that hand and win with it. You're a f r
  11. Hahah barcode, tell me how you really feel. This thread is about American politics, not Africa.


    Do you always jump into conversations and use off topic arguments to try and prove a point? Or was your reading comprehension blinded by your obvious butthurt at me because my views are different than yours?
  12. I never conversed with you before thank god. I pointed out your argument was dumb, throughly dumb.

    If you were that child that had to go work 12 hours or your family would die and u couldn't go to school and on your way back from work after fainting from malnutrition some spotty little t Wat comes up to you and says successful people deal with the hand theyre dealt with not excuses. Perhaps you wouldn't be such a brain dead little moron. You have no clue or inclination just a fat mouth all about me me me
  13. Nice quote.
    Again, this thread is discussing American politics. Not starving children in Africa. Want to talk about African childrens hardships? I'd suggest making a thread for that. I don't know what else to say to you. Touch up on your reading skills I guess?
  14. Well when you make fleeting generalisations that turn out to be equally dumb and inaccurate in measure and can't reply specifically to a point that devours your dumb point because you can't. Perhaps then you won't make such dumb points in future but I wouldn't bank on it. Everybody's circumstances are different, you don't possess the ability to process that you just see it through your own small little mind. Your one of 7 billion people in the world. Get over yourself you little red neck hick with bum parents
  15. Red neck hick with bum parents, you stalking me? 

    Must be a liberal. Can't type a single sentence on topic,so he has to resort to personal insuts.

  16. I'm quoting you on the bum parents line lol. Liberal? Isn't that suppose to be an insult in America by people who f their sister?

    I'm a liberal in one sense that I liberate dumb f like you from their R opinions seeing as you had nothing to say when I owned your dumb nonsensical point.
  17. Owned? Which point did you own? You literally have not addressed any part of the topic at hand. I spoke about being successful in America, and you responded with personal insults and talk of children in Africa.

    And no, liberal is not an insult.

    I feel like I'm being trolled. Are you Alison? Only Alison can troll this good these days.
  18. TNT is killing this argument is all I have to say
  19. Maybe you have a false perception, but, I don't know too many people that can't apply for scholarship if they have the GPA needed. Even so, I am African-American, as you might already know. My sister has finished college and even with her scholarship, has student debt.

    My aunt and uncle have been out of college for 20 years and are still paying back loans, with scholarships. They received their first bill six months after graduating.

    As for the minimum wage, it's supposed to be a livable wage. it's supposed to grow with the economy and the people. Now, should people stay working at jobs like mcdonalds and expect to have a livable life? That's any job. Should they expect luxury? No.

    Average for a one bed room in my state is 480. If I worked at mcdonalds 40 hours a week @ 7.25(min wage here), getting paid bi-weekly, I would make 580$. I would only have 100 dollars left for other bills such as water and electricity (which isn't typically included in rent) and food.


    Additionally, you completely miss my point about you being narrow minded. I don't particularly care for what political party you belong to, if any. Nor did I claim you weren't your own person. I called you narrow minded for no other reason than what you have said. You essentially believe that the poor are poor for no other reason than they don't work hard enough not to be poor.

    You claim that equality is a fallacy, stating that it's because those at the bottom are basically jealous of those at the top. You separate these people out by "successful and unsuccessful people" and say that the latter are at fault for not being at the top. Whereas some people can be at fault, it's not totally theirs. As for the top, some people don't receive a small lump some of money to get started under an already ballooned name. All in all, it isn't as black and white as you try to paint it. You should try reading between the lines sometimes.