In 2008, when Clinton was dominating the polls for the first few months in the democrat primaries, but ended up losing to Obama, there were 26 scheduled debates. 20 of these debates were held before Obama passed Hillary. This election cycle, Clinton is dominating the polls again (for now, at least), and the number of debates has been reduced to 6. Dates have also been chosen that have low viewership (Saturday and Friday nights have lowest viewership of any days of the week). Despite calls from both Sanders and O'Malley to increase the amount of debates, there hasn't been any changes to the schedule since it was released in August. The DNC has denied claims that they are restricting the debate in order to protect Hillary Clinton. Thoughts?
Hillary is a lying sack of crap. She is afraid to have any real debates, and I predict she will self destruct. Bernie wants to take everyone's money and give it away. Make America great again! - Trump 2016. The democratic candidates are extremely weak this election.
Hilary is a criminal should be in jail for a long time just like her no good husband im ashamed shes running for president and might have a shot at winning
Sorry but democrat primary is just for fun hillary has no legit competition which is pretty sad since shes a turd burgling turd. Anyways trump 16'!
Quite frankly, Hilary has been losing some support, and it's entirely possible that we might get Sanders. I can't tell who's worse.
Well, on one side you have an unapologetic Socialist. A socialist. A system that is ineffective, and has been proven so. And in the other side you have a blatant Liar Feminazi, who let good men die in Benghazi and continues to lie about it today, despite her every word being a lie.
The difference between democratic socialism and socialism in general is that democratic socialists believe in capitalism as an incentive. Sweden, Germany, and Norway are good examples of democratic socialism working. Government subsidized tuition is cheap, and is a huge incentive for people to get educated. I personally think that Sanders is a really smart guy, as he very often cites research and studies - A good indicator that the facts are on his side. Meanwhile you have Clinton using 9/11 as an excuse for getting massive campaign donations from Wall Street, and you have Trump who claims he can fix everything in the country by pandering to the wills of xenophobes. People are seeing that the current government establishment isn't working, so they're moving either far left or far right. All I can really say about this is that democratic socialism has worked where it's been tried, whereas massive deregulation as in the 1920's will only lead to the same results that were seen in the 1930's (or 2008 for that matter)
America has been socialist for decades. And socialist policies have given us the largest growth of middle class. Where do you think your weekends, 40 hour work week, labor laws, benefits, etc came from? Certainly not straight up capitalism. Those straight up capitalist corporations needed to be checked and balanced to treat their workers as human beings. They still spend millions on campaigns and lobbying to deregulate so they can keep screwing over their employees for greater self wealth. Socialism without capitalism leads to communism Capitalism without socialism leads to oligarchical fascism.
Anything not US democracy to Islamic Caliphate dictated by Asian Atheist/Transgenders. Republicanism is the only way. You can either be a Jedi or a Sith. The choice isn't hard. For the republic. 20/21
Oh god. People think trump actually has a shot? LOLOLOLOL And btw socialism fixed our economy during the great depression. I like clinton, shes a good politician. But as ive said many times republicans (more like xenophobes) have their panties in a knot about her "scandals". So. Bernie 2016