Defensive buildings

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Detective_Lawliett, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Can u please bring defensive buildings back?? U can make a rule saying u can only have 1 defensive building per 5 lands. KaW is so much better with them.
  2. The sky is blue :)
  3. The defensively buildings will be back soon they are only gone so that people can get full refunds and fix their builds
  4. They will be back 12am monday (PST).
  5. Lol i never lost my Aboreal Dungeon and was worried it might get taken away as i slept and the regund would be stripped from me. So, we get to keep our defense builds? I have beenstruggling on paper, trying to restructure my build, relieved i wont need to now, cause i never found a way toreplace my lost defense