Defense Potions: A Discussion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Pickled_Pepper, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. After seeing some heavy hitters, like Wulf, discussing this issue on another thread, I feel like this is a discussion worth having.

    I would like to hear the merits of both keeping defense potions as well as not keeping any.

    This is a VERY important strategic decision in this game.

    By defense potions, I mean both TROOP and SPY defense potions.

    So forums, what do you think? Do I keep my defense pots or sell them for upgrades? Why/why not?
  2. Never sell pots, it leaves you weak and open.
  3. I disagree. If you are in war you bank your gold as it is, so even if they are winning you aren't losing money. Plus, unless you are red-star or chongo, there will always be someone who can hit you.
  4. *regardless of whether you have pots or not
  5. You need them . No question .
  6. I hate them, I'm over twice the size of some targets yet they have 11 sdp and I can't hit them. I don't keep them myself as I have no need for them. I have no gold out so I don't lose anything a hit so no need for them.
  7. Hired OP.

  8. And if you OSW allot, what's the use? They'd just be burnt like that by pure spies. They'd be taking like 40m every fail
  9. Strategy would also depend on your own situation. Are you flush or not? If not and you're going to be in long war, I would invest in attack pots (both flavours). If you're strippped or otherwise have no allies plus you have no def pots, you're much less desirable to the enemy to hit unless of course you're very active (then they'd want to burn your troops n spies anyway).

    That's just one consideration.
  10. Nooooo!!! Why'd you hire me?! 
  11. I want money. Meh heh heh.
  12. Currently I don't recommend carrying all of the new pots, simply because of cost. Def pots are at your leisure IMO, but at least the base 9 sdp are fairly important. It prevents small but spy heavy accts from crushing a kingdom 4 times their size. And it allows you to catch spies to a better degree...which means you can 0'd them (if desired)
  13. Some people like me who war for long periods of time won't care about losing gold. My clan has been in b2b osw since October 2011 and I maintained my 9sdp throughout. I have a **** ton of sdp and don't give a **** about losing them lol. I always replinish with the gold I get from enemies. With all these new eb items, sdp are the things that keep someone half my stats from getting steals in successfully. Works for me
  14. I have 1,000 of every defense pot, up to 10,000 in war even though I don't have good stats. If gives you a bonus, and if you are farmed, sometimes it can be the difference between keeping your money and losing it.
  15. I think having defense pots is very important. By having them you force opponent to use attack pots and increase his troop loss. All war really boils down to attrition. If someone hits me and uses ATT pots and fails, he has incurred a greater financial loss through pots and likely 3-4x the troop loss if I am high regen. Simply absorbing failed hits and then countering is a great way to pin opponents. In a fight between relative equals, staying high regen is the way to win. If you are significantly out gunned, then you are fighting from pin and not absorbing hits anyway. Burning off someones pots takes coordination and effort and can be costly to the attacker. Convincing an opponent to sell his pots and bank is similar to getting them to drop their allies n bank. They incur drop cost and do your work for you. In some long term war scenarios, repotting is not practicle, but selling pots at start of conflict is a path to defeat IMO.
  16. Depends on the situation. In a SW yes I think you need them because getting hits in actually counts.

    In an OSW I think the only time they are necessary if your a big strip target. Even then a clan can burn them before a strip.
  17. I personally don't think dp are useful, everybody says that its about how much your enemy loses, and if he can burn your dp he makes more and makes you loss more, and smaller enemies can burn dp and sdp as well.
  18. No need for a lot of sdp unless you are protecting 500 bil plus in allies. Even then...bug hansels can Stl through them easily. Best protection is sdt. They cannot be stripped and give a static spy def. 1.5 mil static or better is needed to beat down 75% or more of hansels. 2.5 mil static will beat down 90% of hansels.
  19. Our last war with foxes I bet we burned 500 bil plus in pots off zarko. And still stripped him of half his allies. T5 plus new spy attk pots are tough to stop.
  20. That's over 27,000 hits to burn that much pots Zero.