debate on wc ads

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by massacr, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. So a lot of people complain about all the ads in wc so tear each others throats out in a vicious debate 
  2. What? Why would I want to?
  3. Was this thread useful in any way?

    It is pretty clear the situation with the ads:
    Nobody likes them, but they sometimes work in promoting clans and aren't going to stop.

    Why would we debate on a topic for your enjoyment, when you have nothing to say about it yourself.

    These threads don't get us anywhere, and can be worse than the ads themselves. Put thought into your posts, or don't post.

    Thank you, and happy KaWing.
  4. Was gonna farm op...but realized i just unloaded. Ill get ya on the regen bud :)