Dearest Moose....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. So full of hope, as the inevitable first and goal on the 3 yard line series began, Richard Sheman had a twinkle in his eye.

    And second later, the Hawks chucked an interception, ripping his heart from his chest.

    Pity. Such a pity. His mouth, now deflated, shall not speak an ounce of ****...because they lost.

    You cannot tell me that all of the hard work and perseverance by the Patriots didn't win that game.

    The refs tossed a few flags that were questionable against the pats, you had an amazing "God-intervened" catch that gave Seattle the game....

    And the Pats won.

    Hate on, bra. I will entertain your quams. But trophies talk, and Brady walks.

  2. Thanks for your personal insight.
  3. Suck it moose
  4. Craziest game ever.

    Worst play call ever.

    Tom Brady, best ever.

    Thank you.
  5. Good game though. What a letdown at the end. Love the gifs Willy.
  9. Get it trending

    (If you get what #pocketwaffle means congratulations you know me in real life).
  10. Wonder who will cry more, Richard Sherman or his newborn.
  11. I won't take this moment from the pats fans. Seattle didn't lose the game with that last interception. They had plenty of opportunities to win and they didn't cash in on them.

    As for how I feel about the pats, yes, I so hate them, and most people will stop reading right there and dance, but, I'll explain anyway.

    We don't live in Hollywood. We live in reality, and in reality, cheaters and liars frequently win. If it weren't so, people would be honest now, wouldn't they lol.

    I always cheered against lance Armstrong because I knew he was a lying cheat. His fans, of course, denied if and cheered his win after win after win. The same is true for Barry bonds and Sammy Sosa. I always booed them too for the same reason.

    As I look at the patriots, I hate them for the cheats. Bellechick got a $500,000 fine for spy gate, which is the largest penalty for a coach in NFL history. Now, during the game I hear the commentators talking about deflate gate, and how someone in the pats Orginization will have egg in their face. Fans will deny it all, and why not? They won! And cheating, when done correctly is awesome because it runs extra salt in the wounds of the opposition.

    So, to the patriots, I salute you. You've won the trophy. However, you've also interested the legacy of scandal, which, IMHO, diminishes it. However, my opinion isn't worth much. Its just the ramblings of an old moose. Your opinions don't mean much either. What matters to each of us at the end of the day is what we find when we look inside our selves and see what we find there.

    Do you enjoy the thrill of winning? Do you enjoy it at any price? Does honesty or honour hold a place in your value structure? Everyone is different. Call me a hater if you like. I know what resides inside me.
  12. With that, I look forward to watching my rams having a new and terrible season next year lol
  13. yeah you ALWAYS knew Armstrong cheated. You ALWAYS know best. Stop lying moose it's pathetic to try to make your judgement any more valid than that of other people. Especially when your lying to do so.
  14. Shut up moose
  15. Moose Rams are moving to Los Angeles.
  16. Rams Moving to LA means they are returning home. I followed them when they were the LA rams.

    Probably not the best move for them, however, as they will be sharing a city with the raiders.
  17. reports that only 1 of the 12 balls that the Patriots were wildly accused of deflating 11 of 12 - was actually deflated.


    1 ball. Out of 12. And by only 1psi.

    **** you haters, and you hatey hatetistic ways. The Patriots win due to superior coaching, superior athleticism. Not because 1 ball was 1 psi underinflated.

    I watch everyone and their comments. And I can sense someone who knows football, and someone who doesn't.

    Moose, I know you do.

    But, SpyGate was a straw grasping to unseat the Patriots superiority. Recording signals that 80,000 people can see during the game??? That's the "legacy busting cheating" everyone cries about?

    Nope, it's hate. Hate like my hate of the 90's Dallas Cowboys, Troy Aikman and Emmit Smith.

    The Pats have proven themselves again and again. Tom and Bill will go to the Hall of Fame. Nothing you can take away from that.

    Moose, question: How uncomfortable did Kurt Warner look handing the Patriots another Super Bowl Trophy?


    Seattle is a great team...but gave the game to us. Even God was rooting against the Pats.

    Look at this catch!

    It you look closely, you can see Jesus redirect that into his hands.

    What a game, what an era. New England Patriots win....4 Super Bowls in 14 years.