Dear Sum Ting Wong

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Joan_of_Arc, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. The following cease fire terms will be acceptable:

    1) chocolate ice cream
    2) a can of coke
    7) some tums

    Happy Kaw'ing!

  2. Dear OP
    Cf terms are
    1) sober up
  3. ^

    2) stop the drugs
  4. I demand a Ti-Ni-Po-Nee!
  5. I demand to meet this
    Ming Ting Ding Ling Chicken Wing, that OP is talking about!!
  6. For the final time... The name is from an inxs song!!
  7. Something Wrong
  8. 

    Happy kawing!
  9. Is this where I put on my cool kid pants and say "IN"?