dear oculas

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -DesertStorm-, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. I am sorry for spamming in the forum
  2. Another one bites the dust Nice will
  3. And willy the deuce is the fattest man alive cake is not safe around him.
  4. Lolololol!
  5. He cant even spell O-C-U-L-U-S
  6. You can't make fun of willythenoob.
  7. He cant spell. So that means any and all typos are now by direct fault? Or english might not be his first? Because every single error in his post in a manner of stupidity instead of accident? Or maybe he can spell, he just messed up. Maybe, he was in a rush to stop the hits?

    I love you OP.

  9. Lolololololol
  10. *Prepares to see Midget Ninja