Dear Devs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrestonGarvey, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. Thank you for this AMAZING game, and thank you for all the other AMAZING games you've made. Now I like to read the forums, but something has been putting me off... All these posts and comments about how many freaking events we need and stuff.
    I support the devs in the events. ATA will of course, be a growing business, hiring the occasional new employee. With all this you need to consider wages. We can't all be as self centered to think that the devs can live off of 10 nobs a day. So they create these events to increase gross income, so that once their wages start to decline, they have to create something to make sure that they have food on the table.
    If you support this and think that devs are human too your name will go here:

    If you dont support this and think that devs are being greedy and shouldn't be able to have a good standard of living your name will go here:


  2. I support creating jobs in exchange for an enjoyable gaming experience.

    Whether or not you pay, KaW is the only game app I've played where you can be successful without having to spend a dime. I honestly don't know why people complain about some of this stuff. Maybe they haven't been burned by the other TRUE pay to play war game apps, like game of war. That game is ridiculous.
  3. I don't think you quite have the grasp of how a salary works... Maybe they'll teach you in fourth grade :)
  4. The issue with the p2p events and ebs is that if you dont have the cash or nobles to play the eb, people in your clan get mad and will kick you if you dont contribute money or noble items. Its messednup and is tearing this game appart.
  5. Solution: Get a better clan?
  6. Its trial and error at this point. And that is killin too much time that could be used in a good clan thats NOT greedy. This new event is bringin out the greed in people. Think your stuff thru before you speak.
  7. Thanks Benny, it's already 2 years away, I'm in tears of excitement at the near future

  8. When will you start being successful instead of being a forum troll? You're stats are an embarrassment.
  9. Aren't you a Pokemon?
  10. You're English are an embarrassment.
  11. 
  12. Right next to your name?
    Ah, i see.