I like many new lawyer players here love this game and the wars and hunts. I under the tradition behind the all star wars. But in honor of the best and inspiration of getting to the top 10000 we new comers need the practice and experience of our own war s to compete against each other. If you could take into consideration there are more new people. Here than old and we are making up slot of your incoming revenue because we need more equipment and try things to build our cs. We would like our own all star war. It wouldn't t as let slot of effort to make. Since your already creating the asw for the vets and it could have rewards for the top 5000 players who win it. Make it exclusive for all not ranked. Please do this for a great new revenue and experience for all your future kawers. Thank you for listening devs and keep up great work please add your support all kawers so we can convince debate to do this for us. Thank you. I apologize for low effort. I made this on my lunch break. I love lawyer that much...
ASW is top 10k for a reason. It's a chance for the top 10k, who have been playing a bit, to get things others don't have. If your under 10k, you don't deserve to be in the ASW.
Might be nicer if you used a computer to type this out, but that's just visuals. As for the idea, the unranked wars idea isn't bad if there isn't any exploit (like there always is). Just watch them stack idk what build next.
@toxic I would assume that the OP means that the rewards for the unranked wars would be weaker than those in ASW.
Dark, there shouldn't be any rewards. The asnw is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, Dragon, look on the overall lb. If it gives you a rank, you'll see it. Otherwise, it'll say unranked
Yes they would be weaker I wouldn't expect us to receive great plunder the vets would get just something to give everyone new incentive to war more and teach them the ways of the old. So game would be fun for all not just top 10k.
It's statless. Close to the stats you start out with when you start the game plus, you seem to know about the ASW enough to make a thread. From what you've said, no noob would have for that from when they first started reading that thread. Your an alt.
OK your right I am an although but my main is a noob too so no threat. I just really love this game. And want to see it's continued greatness.
@toxic Yeah there should not be any rewards. I didn't exactly say that I supported it. I just said it wasn't a bad idea because the idea is at least all plausible.
With an asnw, littler players would not strive as hard to get in the top 10k. I'm really trying hard to edge my way in the top 10k before these ASW. That creates growth, which moves the game forward, if ASW opened for everyone, I wouldn't need to strive for top 10k. Which would slow me down on growth and slow the game growth down.
Not nessecarily if there's greater rewards for top 10k then people would strive more for it. But if you exclude those who aren't top 10 k it stunts their growth cause they won't try at all. And slot of them will be scared of war instead of wanting to enjoy the aspects of war of this great game. They would grow more if they had the incentive of a war with people more their size.