dear Balto

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Balto573, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. I'm so sorry for being the noobiest noob ever to have noobed the game. I'm sorry for being the next ironmaiden. Please stop changing your name so I can figure out who to hit!!! Every hit is with a different name how many nobs can you possibly have? Screw hitting you I want cf !! Please give me cf I'm totally not you 0.0 this thread is totally not trolling...I give up on this thread already shadowwolf can beat shadow ghost btw [​IMG](see) take it from here shadowwolf.

    Oops I mean not Balto
    Eh it late and I think I meant Balto
    Nope definitely not Balto
    S.p. Guys I found this awesome drink called wiskey or something
  2. S.p.p applesauce I like.
  3. Grammar I do not.
  4. 4/4/2 op pinned :p
  5. I can pin ... Bed ... Something Vout you an a bed
  6. LOL!!!! How did this get on active topics???
  7. Balto scawwy
  8. Noobs are everywhere -_-
  9. Are you one?
  10. Oops Balto I didn't mean that!! Pwease stop!!
  11. Boo f Balto ! Op let's farm
  12. Blasphemy.
  13. Look at him he thinks he's part of ourclan. What he doesn't know is I told them to let him in so we could trap him like I play trap cards I'm yu gi yoh
  14. He's been oc for well over 9 months.
  15. And I'm assuming the clan your in is for you to be perm war clan in? Correct ? AHHHA DONT PLAY ME IN CHESS LIL BOY IM 100000 MOVES AHEAD
  16. Then I have some catching up to do.
  17. Or you made 100,000 wrong moves
  18. Catch up like I'm some ketchup bruh
  19. oh lovely a noob talking crap great >.>