dealing with ppl who throw wars

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IX_THoR_XI, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. In my conversations with Devs, they only give shattered swords to ppl that are totally inactive. Meaning, someone could fail every action and look inactive cuz they have 0 successful actions but they wouldn't get a sword cuz they were technically active.

    Personally I can't see anyone trying to war well getting less than 7 successful actions. Though it's circumstantial, I feel someone less than 7 did not try to war sincerely. But is this fair to a whole team of warriors who war their heart out only to lose due to this bad person? There needs to be a way of dealing with people like this.

    Devs are not playing this game so they dun understand how this affects us the players who take wars seriously. There should b a way for us - those players on the ground to help police the game

    I heard this idea in a clan: a system where u could give you could give a person a yellow card for poor showing.

    - If enough ppl in the clan (50% of clan mates) gives him one, he actually received the yellow card and is warned about a possible war ban.
    - after 2 weeks the yellow card disappears
    - but if he gets a 2nd yellow cards in a span of 2 weeks, the 2 yellow cards turn into a red card and he is banned from wars for 1 week.
    - even after the ban wears off. The red card remains as a symbol of dishonor in his inventory.
    - if he earns 2 more yellow cards in a span of 2 weeks, they will turn into another red card. This means he has 2 red cards in this inventory now. 2 red cards in inventory means this ban will last 2 weeks. Thus the # of red cards in ur inventory determines how long ur war ban lasts.
  2. The problem is, where ever the devs draw a line, slackers will do juuuuuust the minimum to get over it, then put their phones down.

    I'm a fan of public shaming

    I'm also a fan of farming

    These are actions the community can/should be carrying out.
  3. Moose is correct. While I overall like your idea, I would suggest even harsher punishment and no warnings. There's to many lowlifes purposefully corrupting wars. Scumbags get beat down bare knuckle style. Don't agree with me post my wall.
  4. Correct Moose. But I do support op in bringing this up
  5. I like it and think a similar system should extend to positive recognition to WC and TK.
  6. For years devs let us create this world,then they tried to help after what 4 years? They tried to please all and it backfired.i agree with moose, let's just do what comes natural....I do
  7. Yeah they will hit 7 times then stay open or whatever said minimum is, also the voting thing could be a problem as a clan could just turn on one person they dislike and give them the ban regardless of wether it was deserved or not. Devs just need harsher punishment instead of being so lenient with the war throwers.
  8. Hell yea we will. You fools take this crap to serious
  9. Honestly ppl who war like this - I dun see them being farmed as a deterrent

    Let's say they they stripped and farmed by all of kaw

    They just keep warrin and being a pain

    What I want is a way to prevent them from warring
  10. I don't understand your pain. If not for inactives, how would we ever sko?
  11. Each side tends to have one inactive anyways. It helps when there's no one up and you need to sko before someone gets to ya
  12. I have an issue with the theory that a person with only 7 actions is somehow throwing the war.

    If you're build is crappy enough and I got a ps or two sitting on you, you won't get many actions in even with xstal.
  13. Lol how do you know the Devs don't play they're own game?
  14. When i say i think devs r mods im serious lol. I honestly think moose n wulf r 100% devs along w other mods
  15. I think the devs are the mods, the support, and the leaderboard players. Who spends $500 daily on this game for HTE and max stal besides LB?
  16. Their

  17. just have clan wars, so the inactives can be kicked from the good clans......

    Oh thats right, devs decided its not fair to pos warriors that cant get in good clans