Deadpool Movie VS Captain America Civil War Movie

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. The captian american movie will be PG-13, while the deadpool movie will be rated R. This will be the first offical deadpool movie, while captain america civil war will be the third captian america movie. The deadpool movie will definitely have some good mature humor in it and im assumming some great bloody fights too. Though I am expecting the new captain america movie to have some awesome batttle scenes sense it is a civil war, but im assumung that the fight scenes in deadpool to be better sense it will be rated R. So will the Captain America Civil War Movie really be better then the Deadpool Movie or is it the other way around?
  2. it's a

    D E A D P O O L M O V I E

    answer is obvious, duh. how do you dare assuming this shieldthrowing dude could make for a better movie than our lord and saviour deadpool?
  3. Oh.
  4. Deadpool is okay..

    Dc is better doe, I mean where do you think marvel got all its ideas from? (Deathstroke)

    And the the new batman v superman is going to be the breast anyways soooooooooo

    Besides deadpool can't even beat himself

  5. I know Civil War will deliver.
    I am worried for Deadpool. The level of hype may raise expectations too high. Leaving many audiences disappointed.
  6. Does it matter? It's not like you gotta choose which one to watch lol
  7. I like you. Zero sdt.
  8. The deadpool guy has a sissy voice and the captain america guy sucks....
  9. Ok. Everyone has its own opinion..
  10. Star wars was pretty good even though harrison ford looked old enough to be bernie sanders dad
  11. Simple One is for grown ups Due to Gore action, brains, everything bloody,

    Cap is just for Kids and Marvel fans, i think just cap movies are boring.. Prefer irĂ³n Man, Thor, guardians galaxy
  12. Saw deadpool tonight, had official civil war preview. I would highly recommend both to be good movies though I would prefer a higher rating for civil war.

  13. i was disappointed :( felt like a mix of episode 4 and 6 with "hurr durr bigger deathstar"
  14. But isn't a bigger Death Star what we were hopping for? It's kinda a big deal to have something big for them to explode.

    (Even though off topic from original post, let's try not to get this locked)
  15. Chewbacca was a little off his game and princess leia is an old hag now but still a good movie
  16. Led Zeppelin.. You gotta admit the new Jedi chick looks sweaty hawt like she just came out of the mad max fury road movie..

    I am looking forward to the other DC sleeper.. Suicide Squad.. Mainly cos Harley Quinn looks crazy hawt..
  17. I feel like Deadpool will be highly entertaining. I love the character with all my soul. It has to deliver and there's no way it flops.

    Captain America is going to be good. Black Panther is in it and so is Spider-Man. I someone will die in Civil War. It's going to be so good but the plot might already spoiled via trailers. Marvel hasn't done wrong so far so there's no way this movie disappoints either.

    BVS is the only movie I'm skeptical of this year. Seems too rushed and Doomsday looks too small. They're also going to change his backstory which is blasphemous! I'm not sold Jessie being Lex either.. He just doesn't look the part yet.

    Suicide Squad will be fine. Jared Leto as Joker seems promising and Margot Robbie is going to knock it out the part. At this stage in Will Smith's career he doesn't put out bad movies. Not saying it's going be great but it'll good and entertaining.

    X-Men... Fox flops... I have no high expectations for this movie.

    Doctor Strange, Marvel does no wrong.. And Cumberbatch is in it...