Deadly Sweet Music - FEEDBACK

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *OkamiAmaterasu (01), Aug 28, 2011.

  1. Hi!

    Please post your feedback for "Deadly Sweet Music" here 

    Hugs, Sophie.
  2. Waiting for this to come out all day, but I wasn't disappointed! Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see where you go with this story.
  3. Ameratsu, nice story
  4. I like it
  5. Thanks a lot, everyone 
    I'm typing away at the next chapter right now, so let's hope school doesn't screw me over 
  6. Oh yeah, these first chapters may not be super exciting, but they're needed for the rest of the story. Well, I'll try to get you guys some more chapters  And "Taken Away" is NOT abandoned, so don't worry 