-Dante's- hybrid/basic war guide for smaller clans

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Dante-, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    Hey guys! There is one thing I notice in every build guide that I have seen. The lack of appreciation for the hybrid. Today, I will teach you how I run my hybrid with less than 10tr bfa.

    Also I will put a brief description of tactics you can use as a smaller clan to beat a larger opponent!

    I will go through tactics as to how I
    1 v 1, and how I pin clans (although not cheap )


    1 v 1 PVP is awesome. There is no better feeling In the game then watching another acc squirm as they start to hit ebs less and less as you slowly diminish there actions through means of force.

    As a hybrid I tend to prefer fighting attack builds with my currently low BFA, however it is possible to fight a spy, even multiple people.
    I tend to start with a 1/4 bar of assassinations. I like to keep my spies high as they are my best tool against an attack build. After I run the 1/4 bar, I then attack pin using the least amount of pot possible. From there, it is a case of catching their regen time and assassinating them to pin whenever they are due to come out, granting your troops time to regen.

    Once you have the hang of being on consistently to continue assassinations to pin, you can actually pin another account using this same method. If done right, you can do this without ever going under a 1/2 b of spies. This is very effective, and a good way of preserving troops should more people decide to enter against you.

    This same technique can be used to pin entire clans, however it's not always possible, as you will generally need maybe 10-15 crystals to completely pin the entire clan. Now, keeping the clan pinned can be tricky. I tend to have a lot of crystals, so it's easy if I slip up and let a few out of pin, but also you need to try and keep your spies high again, as eventually they will catch on and scout bomb you, rendering your spies useless. For this reason I usually tend to focus on different sections of a clan. I will break the roster into groups of 15 and sit on them for a few hours, then move to the next section etc.... (If you still haven't quite got the technique stick to actions of 5-10)

    Small clan v Big clan

    This is always fun. Bigger clans always assume strength will win. This is not the case, a smaller, more experienced clan can physically and mentally destroy a clan much bigger through basic strategies, such as the 1 v 1 tactic but as a group, allowing sections to be bigger. I tend to pick the middle section of a clan to beat down on. They go in my CA for days. Until the owner PM's, this is a sign that they are weakening. So then I will make the section smaller and more concentrated to put more pressure on the owner, as the middle (or "backbone" as I call it) begin to get sick of it and start leaving. I used a similar technique against Hells soul takers from regulators retribution. And we, a reckoning clan beat a haunting/FoD clan into submission. So this is proof it is entirely possible.

    So thanks for listening guys, I hope I have enlightened you a bit. Feel free to post anything you wish to correct, however these basic techniques have worked for me time and time again.

    **These aren't all of my strategies :p this is a rough version of what I actually do. If you wish to know my exact methods, you will have to join up with regulators retribution ;) techniques available for all build types (I've played em all )

    ***** I will only accept feedback from experienced players. Any noob trolls will be ignored.

  2. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

  3. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    Nice guide, what does a hybrid build consist of
  4. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    What if, I scout you to 0 spies, easily done with pots.

    Then attack you down to pin?
  5. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    Eh scouting to 0 on a hybrid or hansel requires a Xtal usually.
  6. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.


    This is why I say sometimes it can cost more than a few xtals :p
  7. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    That's why I have alts  I  catching xstals 
  8. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.


    There are 3 forms of hybrid, balance, troop heavy, and spy heavy. One who osw's a lot may prefer a a spy heavy hybrid. Troop heavy hybrids are also good for war if played right, whereas the balanced or "classic" hybrid is the best for an eb player,or war with a significantly large bfa
  9. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    I has alts to 
  10. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    Nicely written! :)
  11. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    Thanks storm
  12. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    Thanx storm.dont know if u got first mess
  13. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    Well written! Have kept a link to this for when I start up my clan ;) Some good tactics for whacking a clan twice our size :p
  14. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    Thanks guys
  15. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    I wrote a guide and can't remember doing so :-$ want to unload for me while I sleep too? ;-) great guide
  16. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    I didn't link… I took a screenshot.

    This is going to my KaW Strategies photo album :lol: …
  17. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    So would I be considered an attack heavy hybrid?
  18. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    I believe so yes, sire
  19. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    Ok Ty metal :) and I have one more question, r u hlbc t5?
  20. Re: Metals Hybrid/Basic war guide for smaller clans.

    Yes I am :)