DAFT- Dev Alliance of Freedom Treaty

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jun 5, 2013.

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  1. I do believe it to be true. :)
  2. Let me guess u'll farm em too
  3. Bro you are the biggest attention whore I've seen on this game. Stop nobody thinks your cool and nobody enjoys reading your stupid threads. So please don't post another zaft thread.

    And to anyone who will reply with "you didn't have to read it" or any of that ********, I read it because its a public thread and I wanted to tell him to crawl back to his rock and quit attention seeking.
  4. You're cool. :roll:
  5. Well tech 9 if u can't stand me I would tell u to do something in game but considering your a tiny noob or just to scared to enter forums on main
  6. I'm sorry for corrupting forums with my filth guys,,they were so awesome before, I know I know
  7. Well sorry my little attention seeking friend but I have no drive to get my iPad or IPod for my mains. But if you find them kudos to you, I will give you a cookie.

    Why farm zaft? You have nothing to gain, they out number you 500-1 you won't even make it through one of their clans. Knowing this obvious information that everyone should know, you are either an attention seeking ***** or someone took off your helmet and gave you an iPod.
  8. Not sure exactly what we're supposed to do with your opinion exactly..

    Oh I know. Thanks for sharing.
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