Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aries, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Considering the forums are a melting pot of many cultures I decided I'd make a thread about the Mexican holiday Día de los Muertos.

    Being first generation Mexican American I celebrate Día de los Muertos, which last Oct. 31 - Nov. 2.

    You must now be asking "what is Día de Los Muertos?" it's the Mexican holiday of celebrating those who have passed away in your family. November 1st is for the children and the 2nd of for adults.

    To celebrate the dead we make an altar, when my family makes an altar it consist of a few things. A picture of the dead, favorite food/drinks of the dead, and lots of flowers. Altars are called ofrendas, meaning meaning offerings. The celebration is also to comfort the souls of those who have passed.

    In my community my aunts organize the process of creating calaveras or as notoriously known as sugar skulls. They usually aren't eaten but can be eaten, it's hardly done and to be honest I'm not sure why.

    The skulls are representative of La Calavera Catrina, she is the iconic figure of Día de Los Muertos.

    If you haven't TL;DR I'd like to thank you for reading up on my culture. I'd also would be interested in similar post on my thread of how you celebrate it and/or holidays you celebrate in your culture.

    Beware when I post pictures, the ofrenda we make is catholic and not all ofrendas are in that similar fashion. Also I'll be posting them considerably later than when I posted this.
  2. Very intriguing! Nice thread :D
  3. [​IMG]

    This was from last year
  4. My family used to celebrate this when we lived in Seville years ago, being part Spaniard, I am proud of my culture and what dia de Los muertos represents :)
  5. Is that a table I see?
  6. We had parades and festivals, similar to what the Hispanic culture does does around this time
  7. I live near Los Angles my city throws a grand festival and you can get lots of cultural food....well mostly what eat often.
  8. I take offense when people call themselves "Mexican Americans" or any combo of another nation with American.
    You are American. Period.
    There are too many great Americans who died for our country to be disrespected like that.

    Either you are American, or you aren't. There is no "Mexican American" "African American" "Native American" etc.

    If you want to be Mexican, go to Mexico. Otherwise, enjoy being an American.
  9. I live in Texas! They took our land! D:< viva la Raza! Nah just kidding.....I like what they've done with the place the last 150 years 
  10. Brush do you even history? Native Americans were here first, hence the name Native (meaning indigenous) American (The land they come from)
  11. The rest I can understand and ibtotally agree with but the Indian one....
  12. Jedi obviously isn't a fan of history.. Try to have some actual logic in what you say.
  13. @Jedi what's your point? One of my uncles died for his country he's Latino I'm sure he'd like to be called Mexican American.
  14. @Haxor

    Do you happen to have any pictures of those parades?
  15. I wonder if jedi-mind-trick is aware that Mexico is on the same North American continent. Hence, a Mexican and Canadian are both technically American, only from different countries. However a US Citizen is completely different. If you're going to be a dick to other people, at least be correct.
  16. If one nation calls itself America (despite that not being its name) and its citizens Americans, then other nations on the continent won't use the demonym "American" as loosely as they would use the word Asia. Imagine if one nation called itself Asia. Would the Asian market be considered the market of that nation or of that continent?

    It's just due to prevent confusion. That's why people refer to North and South America together as "the Americas" instead of just "America".
  17. @jedi shut up we can call ourselves Mexican Americans or whatever Americans cuz we have that race in us too it's a part of us we can't just ignore it and just call ourselves Americans that's just boring 