Cycle of Flame Weekend!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 9, 2016.

  1. Zelgarad The Accursed - Cycle of Flame returns until 12PM PDT on Monday, September 12th.

  2. Look we get it...zta is every weekend. Dont need to make another announcement
  3. Can it end already? 
  4. Please, no more, thanks neway.
  5. Lame post. No support. Not even any effort. Getting a bit tooooooo repetitive repetitive repetitive.
  6. Embrace the strong criticism invisible mod.

    There is a clear distinction between censor vs. censure. Don't be a neophyte. ;)

    Fact remains regurgitated events are repetitive.
  7. ^ Much like your posts lately.

    It's funny that despite Grant himself telling you he doesn't have much of anything to do with the things you're complaining about, you still seem to think everything is his fault.

    You used to be better than this, now you're just

  8. Now that's off topic. We all love the game don't you know? Clearly, some more then others. As a professional courtesy, i will leave the thread.

    Just be aware events like these aren't doing much good.
  9. Why would you quote the OP in the second comment? Why? Why? WHY?
  10. What's wrong with zta, it gives a chance to smaller players to grow a little quicker and help with event items
    If you don't support it, don't participate

    What's so hard lol, probably same players that complain that it's too slow and hard to grow
    I do however, think they should make zta a permanent weekend eb and stop posting new announcements every week

    harambe wouldn't act like this
    #supportfordevs #goodguydev
  11. do u think all the big spender will generously share their sweat tear & blood for the sake of smaller player who can't afford to purchase nobs?

    clearly any promo eb now will be supported by events to maximize profit.just see how right timing is with hte br, zta, events....
  12. I remember when they said it would become a rare EB when it first came out. *cough* I foresee a $20 EB then a $30 EB then... 400mil equip... *sighs* the cumulative growth of items and whatever continues to depress me
  13. Cause Rouge is an obvious idiot.
    @ Fft360- then go play Pokemon or Smash.
  14. CSRs aren't developers
  15. Do we need this every weekend ? OLS just confirm it'll be every weekend and be done with it :)
  16. It's Grants fault considering he is in a position to push for change but rather than do that he sits on Twitter laughing at jokes of a supposedly deceased kaw player and inappropriate jokes about Mare.