Cycle of Flame Weekend Returns

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. Due to popular demand, and players continued enjoyment of our weekend promos, Zelgarad The Accursed - Cycle of Flame returns for another weekend. Ending at 12PM PDT on Monday, August 15th.
  2. I thought it was an even older announcement getting bumped
  3. Why not just make one thread announcing that ZTA will be a regular weekend event. We're expecting this every week now.
  4. Can you just make hte 50% as well... I need to use my seals...
  5. And yet the Devs wonder why the weekend PVP participation is low...
  6. Its a plot to get rid of the pvp! That way when they get rid of the pvp event they say that 
  7. Might as well just plan on making it a weekend thing lol.
  9. Love the Zta, but feel they are getting a little to greedy. Suggestion why don't they make ebs drop circles if there going to do ZTA every weekend. Give smalls or people who can't afford to spend money half a chance to grow! Gotta give some incentive to compete! Love pvp buy unfortunately work gets in the way! But weekends for most is there chance to play kaw hmm Zta or pvp?
  10. Popular demand lmfao. More like the apes popular demands for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  11. Why is it dropping powder (last event!) instead of lanterns (current event)?
  12. Hey everyone just a quick update!

    From 12:1:15 ZTA was instead of splitting it's event drops between Black Pearls and Abyssal Lanterns equally it was only awarding Black Pearls (so 2x the normal amount of them). As well as dropping the last Sagas event items (which are now useless).

    It has been corrected to drop the Correct number of Black Pearls and Abyssal Lanterns and is no longer dropping any of the last Saga's event items.

    Shoutout to -CARL- who quickly wrote on my wall and informed me.

  13. This has now been fixed. And those items will be removed from players inventory soon.
  14. Support! Yay for ZTA! :D
  15. Devswhy u so money hungry and not even giving us good stuff???? Come on, give us some daily gifts and better event rewards
  16. What am i gonna do with my black pearls,ppl doing zta/hte have to step out and collect lantern?