Cyber Bullying Awareness

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Resident_Of_Evil, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. I may be hated on for this but I honestly believe that this should be talked about.

    Before i get started im going to state that I'm a adult, and have grown up watching this progress.

    Cyber bullying, what is it? Cyber bullying is just a reference term that refers to making crude remarks towards other people, telling people to kill themselves, or making fun of someones race, appearance, so on so for through the use of media devices, cell phones/computers what have you.

    What many people do not know is that you can be charged with a felony (U.S.) for cyber bullying and its not just a slap on the wrist either..

    Cyber bullying bring people unwanted feelings of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and or tendencies. No one should have to suffer with that, being a person recovering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) its already hard enough without people over the web thinking they are billy bad ass because of the anonymity of the internet.

    I care alot for others and to sit back and take enjoyment out of something like this is just outright sickening.

    TLDR: Cyber Bullying is a very serious crime with equal consequences. Think before you act.
  2. TL;DR Don't be a ***** online
  3. Pretty much
  4. Anonymity
    Not anonymosity

    Other than that
  5. *Gets popcorn and waits for frog*
  6. Support..

    Where is Frog ?
  7. Pfft cyber bullying?  more like self-centred wimps taking keyboard bs to heart too much. Get over it, the Internet is full of crap.
  8. I get ALL my info from the interweb. Mostly from KAW forums. All the answers from doctors to lawyers right here.

    Insert sarcasm
  9. This is exactly why the US today is full of pansy ass crybaby victims. Certain things may be uncalled for, but in the end if you are being "bullied" by someone online, turn your damn device off! You have the control to stop it.

    If you are that much of a sensitive soul then you shouldn't be on the internet anyway. It's about as harsh as it gets, given most of the words are from strangers who will never really have fear of reprisal.
  10. Cyber bullying is a load of crap. People are just soft as hell now.

    If you can't handle someone saying you have a small willy or are gay online then you shouldn't use the interwebs.

    Sticks and stones will break my bones but names/the interwebs will never hurt me.

    I will admit though giving a bully a right hook to the jaw to persuade him to sort his crap out was much easier back in the day, punches don't travel too well along cables I have found even fibre.
  11. You yanks can't arrest me. Hahaha! I'm not American.
  12. How the hell did we go from "what doesn't kill us makes stronger" to a mix of "what offends us makes us weaker" and "what doesn't kill us makes us richer...IM SUING"
  13. Here's a prime example

    But I do agree, turn device / computer off
  14. I've never been cyber bullied myself but I think it's more than just 'turning your device off'. It's often from people the victim knows personally, and can affect them quite seriously mentally. It's hard to make a call on the matter without being in the situation personally. Implying that it's easily fixed by turning off a device can be harmful too for those having been bullied previously.

    Just my two cents worth though. 
  15. It's because people are soft mostly in part to our cuddle attitude toward anyone who has their little feelings hurt
  16. People aren't soft because the words or actions of others hurt them. Cyber bullying extends beyond having your 'feelings hurt'. At it's worst case it can lead to suicide. I think there should be more awareness about it.
  17. Pahahahaha