Cyans Guide to Builds

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *SNI_W-IO-IL-FI_PER (01), Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Hello everyone,CyanHawk Here,I
    Am gonna devote my time in this(Hopefully)Good Thread.

    It contains Build names,basic description of each one,Pros and cons,And HLBC instructions.

    Table Of Contents
    Attack Heavy
    Spy Heavy
    Turtle Build
    War Build

    Attack heavy
    Attack Builds have more Attack Stats than
    Spy stats,But yet they have decent spy stats,BFA is Expensive and they get good eb plunder.Pros:Good Eb Plunder
    :Lol: Decent spy stats :lol: Cons:Needs a larger cs range than spy builds :evil: BFA is Expensive :evil:

    24 LL=24 Cursed Foundry
    25 HL=13 Colonies 12 Volaries

    Spy Heavy
    A spy heavy is kind of like a hansel but with decent attack stats,but of course with way better spy stats.Grear plunder in ebs and wars.Average BFA. Pros:Good Money in war :lol: Average BFA :lol: good money in eb :lol: Can hit lots of harder ebs with spies :lol: Cons:Hard to hit ebs with attack :evil:

    24 LL=12 Coe 12 Cursed foundry
    25 HL=23 Volaries 2 Colonies

    (Hansels have 1 Colony on HL,And rest are volaries and guilds)

    Turtle Build
    Turtle builds are meant for turtle wars(Thats why theyre called turtle builds)They usually have 8-12 towers(Defense and spy defense)They get horrible plunder unless u xtal or use pots.Pros:Large Amount of cs :lol:
    Good in wars :lol: No need for defense pots in war :lol: Cons:Bad eb plunder :evil: Hard to attack :evil:

    24 LL=6 LookOut Fortresses 18 Coe
    25 HL=6 Aboreal Dungeons 17 Volaries

    War Build
    War builds are great for war and get average plunder in ebs.Many LB people are war builds(Bcause they war alot)around 4 Towers. Pros:Good money and mith In wars :lol: Average eb plunder :lol: Most LB People are this :lol: Cons:Not really,They are really meant for war.

    24 LL=2 LookOut Fortresses 22 COE
    25 HL=2 Aboreal Dungeons 23 Volaries

    Just Pure attack. relies on allies and sdp. Pros:Good money in attacking ebs :lol: Cons: Relies on Sdp and BFA :evil:

    24 LL=24 COE
    25 HL=25 Colonies

    Pure spy,Relies on apd,Great eb plunder.Pros:Great Eb Plunder :lol: Cons:Has rely on apd :evil:

    24 LL=24 Guilds
    25 HL=25 Volaries

    (Stealth and Destroyer were
    Already at KaW but i just renamed them)
    Hoped u enjoyed :D
  2. Pure spy builds don't have great EB plunder I believe. Add an attack building and become a hansel, and theirs your plunder.
  3. Could use some editing but nice work so far! ;)
  4. "Destroyer"s don't exist at that high of a level.
  5. I was a hansel once,turned pure spy,got more money on same wb with less actions than when i was hanswl :D
  6. So my build would be an attack heavy?
  7. This has been done several times already.....
  8. Shutup-.-i hear that from lots of go **** urself
  9. Wouldn't an attack heavy be a gretal to be the opposite of a hansel
  10. Also defense buildings are ****... And spy def towers are only useful with 5 t4s or 3 t5s
  11. Do not offer advice on builds you haven't had at a reasonably high cs.
  12. Lol you don't earn more on ebs as a pure spy you noob.
  13. U don't earn when u r attacking but maybe after u finish it u get the big 
  14. First guide I have read
  15. Isn't being DTW with no gold out the main pro of pure spy?
  16. Lol you missed hybrids
  17. You said pure spies make great eb plunder..... Every time I come back to this thread you just look even more moronic.
  18. I saw the color pink and had to read the rest. Time to go water my eyes.